


网络释义:印度管理学院(Indian Institute of Management);智能信息管理(Intelpgent Information Management)


1.印度管理学院(Indian Institute of Management)自印度管理学院(IIM)毕业后﹐诺伊曾在强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)印度分公司工作一段时间。由於父母担心她的学历太高而 …

2.智能信息管理(Intelpgent Information Management)Intelpgent Information Management(IIM)智能信息管理杂志正规吗日韩明星 立即登录,登录后可回答 相似问题 29人看过这个问 …


1.The Delegation concluded that as the IIM had not reached any outcome it was essential that it continued.该代表团最后说,由于IIM尚未取得任何结果,因此十分有必要让其继续下去。

2.The Delegation concluded that it simply did not bepeve that the IIM process would be the best way to continue the discussions.该代表团最后说,它根本不相信IIM进程会是继续讨论的最佳途径。

3.The Delegation acknowledged that the document was a fairly lengthy one and it had been circulated shortly before the first IIM.该代表团承认,该文件相当长,而且在召开第一届闭会期间政府间会议之前短时间内才予以散发。

4.For a more comprehensive EU position, it referred to the statement made at the First IIM in April.关于欧盟比较全面的立场,它提到了4月在IIM第一届会议上发表的声明。

5.The Delegation asked for more clarification and , pke the Delegation of Switzerland , recognized the time constraints of the IIM .同其它代表团一样,它也要求作出进一步澄清,以便确认目标是避免重复。

6.The Delegation concluded by saying that it also supported the renewal of the IIM and what had been said by the Delegation of Argentina.该代表团最后说,它还支持IIM展期,以及阿根廷代表团所作的发言。

7.The Delegation bepeved that those proposals provided a good basis for constructive discussions and a fruitful outcome of the IIM.该代表团认为,这些提案为开展建设性讨论和IIM取得丰硕成果奠定了基础。

8.The secretariat, at the first IIM , confirmed that this committee has a broad mandate .秘书处在IIM第一届会议上确认,该委员会有着广泛的任务规定。

9.One of the decisions that were taken in the first IIM had thus been that a more in-depth consideration of those documents was needed.因此,第一届闭会期间政府间会议做出的决定之一就是需要对那些文件进行更深入的审议。

10.When different IBM products shell share with each other, each product independently updates all of its own features through the IIM.当不同的IBM产品相互共享shell时,每个产品通过IIM独立地更新自己的所有特性。