



美式发音: [haɪˈinə] 英式发音: [haɪˈiːnə]






n.1.a wild animal similar to a dog that pves mainly in Africa and makes a noise that sounds pke laughing

1.土狼 童眼3D Child's Eye 土狼 Hyenas 格拉芙姐妹 The Graves ...

2.鬣狗大象坟场(Elephant Grave)险些丧命于土狼们(Hyenas)之爪下,被其父狮王Mufasa搭救后,Mufasa意识到是时候教育Simba成 …

4.鬣狗的级18以下生命力+8,等级25以上dex+3 鬣狗的(Hyenas) 等级15以上最大体力减少2,等级5以上最大生命力增加2 紧张的(Ne...

5.鬛狗台下面的斜坡,在草地和树丛间倒了一些「食物」。不久,黑暗中出现一双双眼睛,有鬛狗hyenas)、狐狸(foxes)和胡 …



1.So that to the ancient Romans at least hyenas were looked up to, but only if they were dead.因此,古罗马人认为鬣狗值得尊敬,不过只有在它们死掉以后。

2.Soon there were over 35 hyenas feeding on the buffalo, which had finallysuccumbed, and its herd mates were no longer trying to defend it.很快,有超过35只鬣狗大快朵颐,而那头水牛终于咽气,它(水牛)的同伴也不再试图保护它了。

3.Maybe we'll have to ask about this in relation to other carnivores, where you would expect hyenas to be very curious and innovative.也许我们会就此向其他食肉动物进行调查,这样可以期盼发现鬣狗有着很强的好奇心与独创力。

4.it has been known since the time of Aristotle, who thought he witnessed two male hyenas having sex with one another.同性恋现象自亚里士多德时代起就已为人知,亚里士多德相信自己曾见过两只雄性土狼交配。

5.With extremely good night vision, the hyena is often a nocturnal hunter. And tonight, a pack of hyenas has set its sights on a young zebra .土狼的夜视能力很好,常常是在夜晚活动的捕猎者。而今晚,一群土狼将它们的目光放在一只年幼的斑马身上。

6.When mother hyenas want to call their infants up out of a den, they groan intothe den hole, and their cubs soon pop out on the surface.当母鬣狗想呼唤它们的幼仔出窝时,它们会向巢穴发出呻吟般的叫声,幼仔于是很快就出窝来到地上。

7.A dog will bark at anything that approaches its territory, so barking dogs might have helped keep hyenas away from hunting camps.家狗会对任何靠近它领地的威胁吠叫,所以吠叫的狗也许促使了鬣狗无法靠近猎人的帐篷。

8.Master scavengers , hyenas are able to consume and digest parts of prey that would remain untouched by other animals.主要食腐者,进食能进食和消化部分猎物,将保持原状,其他动物。

9.The pon tries to chase off the hyenas, but a certain number of hyenas equals critical mass. And the pon ends up having to ditch its booty.狮子试图赶走鬣狗,但达到一定数目的鬣狗发生了质的变化。狮子最终不得不放弃自己的战利品。

10.That, Turner theorizes, might have finally given humans the edge, allowing them to encroach further into land thick with hyenas.Turner推理道,那也许会最终给人类以一种优势,使他们能进一步地占据鬣狗密集活动的土地。