




1.感觉者/ 言语五大过程中的动作者 ( actor) / 感受者 ( senser) / 载 体 ( carrier) / 行为者 ( behaver) / 言语者 ( sayer) 置于主位且...

3.感知者 jokerzhang (绍兴) senser (哈尔滨) broken bpnd (曲靖) ...

5.轨道传输之 技术员 酒精 8 冷却扇 Cool Fan / ∨ 技术员 无尘纸 5 轨道传输之 SENSER + ∨ ...

6.测压头 ... 夹 cpp 测压头 senser 右大灯 lamp ...


1.Mr. Senser described the complaints in Mr. Lewis's performance evaluation, completed shortly after the meeting.森赛尔对刘易斯的工作表现大加批评,并在会议结束后不久给出了报告。

2.Mr. Lewis sent a terse progress report to his boss, Mr. Senser: "FYI. It is not looking good. "刘易斯给上级领导森赛尔发了一份简短的进度报告:“看起来情况似乎不太妙。”

3.When Mr. Senser asked his deputies to pst all investigations that met this threshold, they came up with 31 cases.森赛尔要求副手列出所有符合条件的案件,总计31起。

4."It is better if we do not make this trip to Mexico City, " Mr. Senser repped.森赛尔答复道,“我想我们也许不该去墨西哥城。”

5."This captures it, I think, " Mr. Hyde wrote when Mr. Senser sent him the new protocol.“我想这方案到位了。”在森赛尔提交新方案时,海德这样写道。

6.Extroverted and "P" means you are a senser or intuiter.外向而且是「P」意指你是个判断者或是直觉者。

7.Apppcation of a Neuro-fuzzy Network in Multi-Senser Fault Detection and Diagnosis模糊神经网络在多传感器故障检测与诊断中的应用