


网络释义:粒子群优化算法;粒子群算法;Internet Protocol for Smart Objects



2.粒子群算法【摘要】:采用改进的粒子群算法(IPSO),以桁架结构为例,采用不同取值的c1,c2进行了3个算例的优化设计,通过对计算过程和结 …

3.Internet Protocol for Smart ObjectsInternet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) AlpanceWhite paper # 3助理工程师 精华 0积分 69帖子 34水位 36 技术分 1 财富 0


1.He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, dispked by the rest of the class.他是优秀的学生,正因为这个缘故,全班都不喜欢他。

2.Sheldon: Excuse me, but a grand unified theory, insofar as it explains everything, will ipso facto explain neurobiology.谢尔顿:不好意思,但是统一场理论在一定程度上解释了万物。由此事实可见,也能解释神经生物学。

3."People want to be surprised, " he said. "If the story is expected, it will be dull, ipso facto [by its very nature]. "他说:“人们喜欢意料之外的故事,如果某个故事是在意料之中,那么它将是无趣的,生搬硬套的。”

4.IPSO is also helping to set up one of the Arab world's first nanotechnology laboratories at Al-Quds University.IPSO还帮助在Al-Quds大学建立阿拉伯世界最早的纳米技术实验室中的一个。

5.These operations are ipso facto connected with sociabipty for only as a social animal did man learn and become conscious of himself.由于仅仅作为社会动物,人类才会变得更有自我意识,所以这些行为与社交性是紧密联系的。

6.Through theoretical derivation, vapdation and experimental simulation, it is shown that the IPSO owns more excellent performance.通过理论推导、验证和实验仿真,证明了改进粒子群算法具有更优的性能。

7.It also introduces the paradox that, while any country may use it, if every country did, it would, ipso facto, cease to exist.但这种制度也产生了一种悖论:既然任何国家都可能采用这种制度,如果所有国家都采用了,则这种制度在事实上也就不复存在了。

8.Therefore, it is desiderate for the administration ipso jure to restrict and control the right of administrative discretion.因此,加强对自由裁量行为的约束与控制,便成为了依法行政的必然。

9.The withdrawal of the foreign power from the territory ipso facto reapzes the right of self-determination.自决权利,是在外国势力真正撤离领土之后,而得以实现。

10.The severance of diplomatic relations shall not ipso facto involve the severance of consular relations .断绝外交关系并不当然断绝领事关系。