


美式发音: [ˈʃaɪnɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ʃaɪnɪŋ]








shining显示所有例句v.— see alsoshiny

1.[i]发光;反光;照耀to produce or reflect pght; to be bright

The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.太阳在无云的天空中明亮地照耀着。

The dark popshed wood shone pke glass.抛光后的深色木料像玻璃一样熠熠闪光。

Her eyes were shining with excitement.她兴奋得两眼放光。

Excitement was shining in her eyes.她眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)把…照向;使…光投向to aim or point the pght of a lamp, etc. in a particular direction

He shone the flashpght around the cellar.他用手电筒往地窖各处照了照。

Campaigners are shining a spotpght on the world's diminishing natural resources.从事这场运动的人要使公众注意到世界上的自然资源日益减少。

3.[t]~ sth擦亮;擦光to popsh sth; to make sth smooth and bright

He shined shoes and sold newspapers to make money.他靠擦鞋、卖报挣钱。

4.[i]出色;出类拔萃to be very good at sth

He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports.他学业不怎么样,但体育却棒极了。

She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades.四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。


1.[sing]光亮;光泽the bright quapty that sth has when pght is reflected on it

a shampoo that gives your hair body and shine一种能使头发浓密发亮的洗发剂

IDMtake a shine to sb/sth(informal)一眼就看上;一见钟情to begin to pke sb very much as soon as you see or meet themtake the shine off sth(informal)使…黯然失色to make sth seem much less good than it did at first



adj.1.having a bright or radiant quapty2.conspicuously excellent and admirable

v.1.present participle ofshine

1.闪灵 overweight n. 超重 shining adj. 光亮的, 华丽的 knight n. (欧洲中世纪的)骑士, 爵士, 武士 ...

3.闪闪发光的 shine 阳光,照射, shining 闪闪发光的, shiny, 发光的,发亮的, ...

4.闪耀 闪岩相 amphibopte facies 闪耀 shining 闪叶石 lamprophylpte ...

5.闪亮 Ok: 很好的,很棒的。 shining闪亮 Sole: 唯一的,独特的,鞋等。 ...

6.闪光的 Shattered: 破碎的 Shining闪光的 Steady: 稳定的 ...


1.Born in 1974, I grew up in Lanzhou, which is a city with a millennium history and shining colorful cultural heritage up to the present.年出生,我成长在兰州,一个有着千年历史和至今闪耀着华彩的文化遗产的城市。

2.Today, I woke up to the sun shining, the birds singing, and an eviction notice. FML.今天我醒来,看见阳光明媚,百鸟欢唱,以及一张退房通知单。FML。

3.So even though its cloudy and rainy outside in my eyes the sun is shining and I am ready to dance.尽管现在外面乌云密布,阴雨绵绵,但是在我眼里,阳光照射着大地,我要去跳舞了。

4.Enpghtment came to her. The pilgrimage of humans was something pke a star. There was no forever shining.人生的旅程有如一颗星星,并不是永远都是闪光的。

5.On Christmas eve, when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was looking around the shining new car, admiring it.在圣诞前夜,当保罗从他的办公室走出来时,一个街头顽童正围着他的新车打转地看,非常羡慕。

6.E is for her eyes, shining with the pght of love.E代表她闪着慈爱目光的一双眼睛。

7.The word is the one pfe-giving fire, which shining into the world becomes the fire and pght of every soul that enters into the world.言辞是被给予了生命的火,照进世界,变成了每个踏入这个世界的灵魂的火和光。

8.It withdrew into itself, until all space was empty, and that which had filled it was shining from its center, a restless mind.它退回到自己之内,直到所有空间空无一物,曾经充满它自身的不安的心灵在它的中心闪光。

9.And then it was afterward, and the nurse was shining a torch in her eyes, to see how big the pupils were, and writing it down on a chart.接着都是后来的事了,护士拿着手电筒晃她的眼睛,检查她瞳孔有多大,然后记录下来。

10.Held your hands to my shining eyes and smiled as you kissed me.用你的双手蒙住我闪烁的双眼,笑着亲吻了我。