




1.第四版互联网协议 第18章 主机配置: dhcp 第7章 网际协议版本4ipv4) 第8章 地址解析协议( arp) ...

5.第四版网际网路协定由於目前使用之第四版网际网路协定 (IPv4) 的网址数目有限,并不符合目前宽频网路日渐增加的需求,所以在 90 年代中期,第 …

6.第四版本目前的互联网协议是第四版本IPv4),前面也提到了,它是由4个8位二进制数来表示,以点分割。当然,全是1和0的数值让 …

7.第四版网际网路通讯协定主题(1)是适用於第四版网际网路通讯协定(IPv4)的网路环境;主题(2)、(3)是适用於第六版网际网路通讯协定(IPv6)的网路环境 …

8.第四版因特网协议  特别地对于第四版因特网协议 (IPv4),ARP在网络层和开放式系统互连(OSI)模型数据链接层之间映射。   数据链接层被分割成两 …


1.But space for IPv4 addresses is running out, with the remaining 4% expected to be exhausted by spring next year.但是,IPv4地址空间已经不多了,剩余的4%预计将在明年春天用。

2.IPv4 countdown on Twitter - less than a year to go before IPv4 addresses run out. . .Twitter上的IPv4倒计时,再有不到一年的时间IPv4地址就用光了。

3.Gonzalez says the current version of the Internet, known as IPv4, could soon run out of space.冈萨雷斯称当前的第4代互联网协议,即IPv4即将用完。

4.IPv4 exhaustion has been a concern since the 1980s but the estimated date has now converged to a timeframe between 2011 and 2012.人们从19世纪80年代就开始担心IPv4的耗尽的问题,但是目前估计的时间范围已经被压缩到2011至2012年之间。

5.IPv4 was conceived in the early 1980s as a way of identifying individual connections to a computer network.IPv4在19世纪80年代早期应运而生,它是一种识别连接到计算机网络中的个人终端的方式。

6.The Internet is running out of addresses using the current version of the Internet Protocol, known as IPv4.当前正在使用的互联网协议IPv4即将耗尽IP地址资源。

7.Even though IPv4 will continue working for at least the next decade, there is value in changing early according to Phipp Sheldrake.尽管IPv4至少在未来十年内仍会继续工作,但是根据前面菲利普·谢尔德瑞克的说法,它的价值正在改变。

8.Listen on address is useful for hosts with multiple addresses (e. g. IPv4 and IPv6) as it allows you to constrain which address it uses.监听地址对有多个地址(例如IPv4和IPv6)的主机很有用,它可以限定使用哪个地址。

9.This includes being able to support IPv6 IP Address resources and IPv4 IP Address resources either alone or in combination in a cluster.这包括可以支持群集中单独或组合的IPv6IP地址资源和IPv4IP地址资源。

10.Those idle IP addresses explain why Microsoft was just able to purchase $7. 5 milpon-worth of IPv4 addresses from Nortel Networks.那些空闲的IP地址解释了微软为什么只能从北电网络买到价值7,500,000美元的IP地址。