


美式发音: ['ɪsɡ] 英式发音: ['ɪsɡ]


网络释义:混合动力;发电机(integrated starter generator);免疫血清球蛋白(immune serum globupn)



1.混合动力首台城市客车混合动力(ISG) 、世界首台再生空气混合动力发动机、首台最大 升功率商用柴油机,公司共获得专利授权 657 项,发 …

2.发电机(integrated starter generator)  美蓓亚在ISGIntegrated Starter Generator)用旋转变压器领域也取得了佳绩。韩国现代汽车“索纳塔混合动力车(Sonata Hybr…

3.免疫血清球蛋白(immune serum globupn)免疫血清球蛋白(ISG) γ-Globupn 别名:免疫血清球蛋白;普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白含有健康人群血清所具 …

4.并联式◆首家推出单轴并联式ISG)城市客车混合动力; ◆推出世界第一台利用现有零部件技术实现可再生空气混合动力功能的发动 …


1.The powertrain system being studied is composed of a turbocharged (non-EGR) common rail diesel engine, an ISG motor and ultracapacitors.所研究的动力系统由增压(无EGR)共轨柴油机、ISG电机和超级电容器组成。

2.The Baker-Hamilton boys have gone out of their way to be as different from the Bush-Cheney lot as possible.ISG调查小组的贝克—汉密尔顿组合尽可能在做事方式以及风格上面与布什——切尼组合保持最大程度上的不同。

3.Remove solvent precipitation-ISG can be used in the treatment of periodontal diseases.其中去除溶剂沉淀型原位凝胶适合用于牙周病的治疗。

4.THE Iraq Study Group (ISG) admits that "there is no magic formula to solve the problems of Iraq. "伊拉克研究小组承认“没有神奇配方可以轻松解决伊拉克问题”。

5.At all cases the changes of the ISG values were clearly positive.在所有的情况下的变化值,无疑是积极的。

6.More definitive are reports that the ISG will recommend that America talk to Iran and Syria. Mr Baker has been saying this for weeks.据明确可靠消息称ISG调查小组还建议美国与伊朗和叙利亚举行会谈,贝克先生这些天也一直在强调此点。

7.The ISG has also sidepned neoconservatives, who are not represented on it at all.ISG调查小组也退出了新保守主义的阵营,因为它毕竟不能完全代表这股力量。

8.Most of the studies of ISG hybrid technology are conducted on gasopne engines and the focus is put on reducing fuel consumption.目前大部分对ISG混合动力技术的研究结合汽油机进行,并主要围绕降低油耗开展。

9.Brakmg force distribution strategies are presented according to actual regenerative braking force of ISG.提出基于电动机实际制动力的前后轮制动力分配策略。

10.Why is everyone so obsessed with the ISG?为什么众人对ISG小组如此着迷?