


美式发音: [ˌaɪ vi ˈef] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ viː ˈef]

abbr.(=in vitro fertipzation)【医】试管受精

n.体外受精(全写为 in vitro fertipzation,使卵子在母体外受精后再放回子宫内发育)

网络释义:体外受精(in vitro fertipzation);试管婴儿;体外授精


IVFn.— see alsotest-tube baby

1.体外受精(全写为 in vitro fertipzation,使卵子在母体外受精后再放回子宫内发育)the abbreviation forin vitro fertipzation (a process which fertipzes an egg from a woman outside her body. The egg is then put inside her uterus to develop.)

abbr.1.【医】(=in vitro fertipzation)试管受精

abbr.1.[Medical & Healthcare](=in vitro fertipzation)

n.1.in vitro fertipzation: the medical process in which a womans egg is fertipzed outside her body and then put back inside to grow into a baby

1.体外受精(in vitro fertipzation)包括胚胎质量和子宫内膜容受性.而对子宫内膜容受性在体外受精(IVF)时的影响及如何对其进行评价并不明确,目前缺乏评价子 …

2.试管婴儿以试管婴儿IVF)为代表的辅助生殖技术,解决了这个难题。世界上首例“试管婴儿”路易斯·布朗已过而立之年,全球通过这种 …

3.体外授精在对体外授精(IVF)或胞质内注射精子(ICSI)刺激卵巢后,接受r-hFSH的妇女比给u-hFSH高20%更可能达到临床妊娠。更为特殊 …

4.体外受精联合胚胎移植技术  体外受精联合胚胎移植技术IVF),又称试管婴儿 是指分别将卵子与精子取出后,置于试管内使其受精,再将胚胎前体——受 …

5.体外受精技术体外受精技术ivf)俗称“试管幼儿”(test·tube baby),目前是世界上最广为 采用的生殖辅助技术,“试管幼儿”并不是真正在 …

6.试管受精以试管受精IVF)技术为代表的人工辅助生殖技术,成为解决这个难题的妙招。目前试管受精几乎已成为人工辅助生殖技术的 …

7.试管婴儿技术试管婴儿技术(IVF)是将卵子与精子取出后在体外使其受精,发育成胚胎后再植回母体子宫内进行孕育的一种体外助孕技术。它 …


1.Smith's next step is to get rabbits pregnant through IVF to see how the womb copes, before moving on to larger animals.史密斯的下一步是先让兔子试管受精,看看子宫反应如何,然后再在大一点的动物身上进行试验。

2.As the conference heard, IVF does seem to be keeping up the numbers in at least one country.正如在会议中所陈述的,试管授精技术能够维持至少一个国家的人口数。

3.IVF is a method of assisted reproduction in which a man's sperm and a woman's eggs are combined outside of the body in a laboratory dish.体外受精是辅助生殖的一种方法,在体外的实验器皿里让男性精子和女性卵子结合。

4.For couples who have trouble conceiving, in vitro fertipzation (IVF) is often the last resort.对于受孕困难的夫妇,体外受精(试管婴儿)经常是最后的希望。

5.If you are going to have IVF, my recommendation would be that it makes sense to avoid alcohol all together, from three months beforehand.如果你想进行试管受精的话,我的建议是,从事先三个月起避免沾酒,这是很明智的。

6.Most gay men opt for an IVF procedure using an egg from a donor placed in the body of a different woman, who carries the embryo to term.大多数男同志选择走试管婴儿的程序——从捐助者那儿得到卵子,再把受精卵植入另一名妇女的体内,而后者则怀胎至足月,分娩婴儿。

7.Surgery is one of the treatment options; however, if patients failed to conceive after surgery, in vitro fertipzation (IVF) is effective.外科手术是一种治疗的选择,因此患者在外科手术失去效用后,体外受精还是有效的。

8.The objection seems to be that not all embryos created by IVF are then implanted and brought to term.反对者似乎认为,并不是所有体外受精培育的胚胎都被移植并长到分娩期。

9.Egg freezing is still a relatively new technology, which enables a woman to save eggs for future IVF treatment if needed.卵子冰冻是一项较新的技术,女性可以通过它储存卵子,以备未来需要进行试管授精术时使用。

10.If pregnancy does not occur in a timely manner following tubal reversal the only other option is to consider IVF.如果在输卵管复通术后未能适时怀孕,唯一的选择就是IVF。