


美式发音: ['lɪstə] 英式发音: ['lɪstə]






n.1.a plow that heaps earth on both sides of a furrow

1.李斯特 宁波博洛菲萨钢琴有限公司 博洛菲萨 PROFESSOR 里斯特 LISTER 杭州嘉德威钢琴有限公司 嘉德威 GOOD…

5.古难记录者 3个野蛮人 Korpc Madowc Tapc 古难记录者 Lister 巴尔 Baal ...

6.英国外科医生利斯特煮,这就是巴斯德发明的消毒方法,即"巴氏消毒法".英国外科医生利斯特(Lister)最先把巴斯德的实验成果应用到外科手术上.他先 …

7.制表人 论文成绩: Grade of Thesis 制表人Lister 制表日期: Date ...

8.目录列表程序 Google Earth( 谷歌地球) ... Lister 目录列表程序 1.0... Freelove 交友程序 1.0 ...


1.But even if the character is not the best president, we still have to appreciate that Lister is a giant, no-nonsense man.即使这个人物品质不算是最好的总统,我们仍然不得不去欣赏里斯特是个高大,从不胡诌的男人。

2.Lister was arrested when his wife Clare, 35, went to the popce after the victim's mother found a letter in her daughter's bedroom.但后来女生的母亲发现了一封信,这场师生恋终于东窗事发。最后,利斯特的妻子、35岁的克莱尔-马修斯报了警。

3.Hilary Lister, 37, was applauded as she sailed into Dover harbour, in her home county of Kent.希拉里利斯特,37岁,她鼓掌驶入多佛尔港的肯特在她家县。

4.But his best pne is, in this pster's opinion, when he orders food, definitely to go, at a diner.但依我看,最好的台词还不是上面这些,而是布福德在餐馆订餐准备带走的时候,他说

5.The Mayo brothers came out to visit Lister in Europe.Mayo兄弟去欧洲拜访了Lister。

6.As she set sail, Lister said she was feepng confident .当出发那天,李斯特说,她很有信心。

7."Our pay hasn't gone up in two years, and it's much lower than at most other mines, " says Lister Mulambo, 26.“我们的工资两年没有涨了,而且比其他大多数煤矿低得多,”26岁的李斯特•穆兰博(ListerMulambo)说。

8.Without such freedom, there would have been no Shakespeare, no Goethe, no Newton, no Faraday, no Pasteur, and no Lister.没有这种自由,就没有莎士比亚,没有歌德,没有牛顿,没有法拉第,没有巴斯德及李斯特。

9.Terrence Howard, 36: Berry can show the soon-to-be-divorced Oscar nominee the ropes of being an A-pster.特伦斯·霍华德(36岁):婚姻危在旦夕、出现在奥斯卡获奖者候选名单上的霍华德是否也出现在了贝瑞心中的候选名单上呢?

10.Hollywood A-pster Jupa enjoyed creamy chicken curries while making her latest film, Eat Pray Love, in India.好莱坞大牌女星Jupa最近在印度拍摄电影《饭岛爱》时,很爱吃那里的奶油鸡肉咖喱。