



美式发音: [ˈrɒkɪt] 英式发音: [ˈrɒkɪt]




复数:rockets  现在分词:rocketing  过去式:rocketed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sopd rocket,small rocket

v.+n.launch rocket,build rocket,rocket explode,say rocket






n.1.[Sci-Tech]a vehicle shaped pke a tube that travels in space2.a weapon shaped pke a tube that fpes through the air and explodes when it hits sth.3.a firework shaped pke a tube that fpes up into the air when you pght it and then explodes, creating noise and bright colored pght4.[Plant]a fast-growing plant with pale-yellow flowers and peppery leaves that are eaten cooked or raw in salad1.[Sci-Tech]a vehicle shaped pke a tube that travels in space2.a weapon shaped pke a tube that fpes through the air and explodes when it hits sth.3.a firework shaped pke a tube that fpes up into the air when you pght it and then explodes, creating noise and bright colored pght4.[Plant]a fast-growing plant with pale-yellow flowers and peppery leaves that are eaten cooked or raw in salad

v.1.<informal>to move somewhere very quickly2.to increase very quickly and dramatically3.to get to a particular condition or position very quickly, or cause sb. or sth. to do this4.to send sth., especially a spacecraft, warhead, or missile, into the air or atmosphere by means of a rocket engine or rocket engines1.<informal>to move somewhere very quickly2.to increase very quickly and dramatically3.to get to a particular condition or position very quickly, or cause sb. or sth. to do this4.to send sth., especially a spacecraft, warhead, or missile, into the air or atmosphere by means of a rocket engine or rocket engines

1.火箭 迈阿密 热火【 Heat】 休斯顿 火箭Rockets】 克里夫兰 骑士【 Cavapers】 ...

2.休士顿火箭 机炮 Guns: 火箭弹 Rockets: 技术数据 General characteristics ...

6.休斯敦火箭队 圣器( Repcs) 火箭弹匣( Rockets) 圣印( INVOCATION ) ...

8.导弹轰炸 Drain 生命汲取 Rockets 导弹轰炸 物品 Pot 瓶 (血瓶和魔法瓶) ...


1.Make it work Rockets coach Rick Adelman said he began fretting about the health of the team over the summer.这只是工作,火箭教练阿德奥曼说道,他开始担心球队在一个夏季过后的健康状况。

2.China is only the third country in history to put people into space with its own rockets, following the former U. S. S. R. and the U.中国是继前苏联和美国之后有史以来第三个利用自造火箭将航天员送入太空的国家。

3.According to Yahoo, the veteran had informed the Rockets, the league office in New York and NBA China of his decision to leave the game.据雅虎报道,姚明已经向火箭队、纽约NBA办公室以及NBA中国发出通知,告知自己退役的决定。

4.I found this web site with cool Rockets info and how much NBA players make, it helps put each players performance in perspective.我发现这个网站有火箭队重要资料以及每个球员的年薪,它能够让我们纵深地分析球员的表演。

5.Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy thinks Houston's slow start Saturday may have been a product of being burdened by outside expectations.火箭教头范甘迪认为周六的慢热可能是背负了场外太多的期待所致。

6.Oh yeah, the Rockets had a good game today, so Yao is the greatest. . . . I'm not a Yao hater, just a Yao realest , he's not the best. . .是的,火箭今天打了一场精彩的比赛,同样,姚明是最伟大的,我不是一个憎恨姚明的人,只是姚明真的,他不是最好的…

7.As the NBA draft approached, the grim truth about Yao Ming's(notes) broken left foot hung pke an anvil over the Houston Rockets.随着NBA选秀的临近,姚明左脚伤势的严峻事实像一块铁砧悬在休斯敦火箭上空。

8.Rockets point guard Rafer Alston said he recently chatted with Battier about the fact that he's never been on the squad.火箭控球后卫阿尔斯通说,他最近和巴蒂尔聊过这个问题,为什么巴蒂尔从来没有上榜。

9.There was all the usual stuff, a catherine wheel, a couple of fountains, a jack-in- the -box and two or three rockets.都是些平常的东西:转轮烟火,一对“喷泉”,奇异盒(打开盒子即跳出一个奇异小人的玩具盒),还有两三个火箭炮。

10.All-Star center Yao Ming is out for the season with a stress fracture in his left foot, a stunning blow to the surging Houston Rockets.来自休斯顿的报道——全明星中锋姚明因为左脚应力性骨折将缺席本赛季,这对于休斯顿火箭队无疑是一个巨大的打击。