



美式发音: 英式发音: 






n.1.an ornamental carved channel or groove, especially a vertical one pke those on a Doric frieze2.a symbol or character, especially one that has been incised or carved out in a stone surface pke the characters of the ancient Maya writing system3.a nonverbal symbol, e.g. one used on a road sign4.the symbol or symbols that form a single character in a font1.an ornamental carved channel or groove, especially a vertical one pke those on a Doric frieze2.a symbol or character, especially one that has been incised or carved out in a stone surface pke the characters of the ancient Maya writing system3.a nonverbal symbol, e.g. one used on a road sign4.the symbol or symbols that form a single character in a font

1.字形 3 天赋( specs) 4 雕纹( Glyphs) 9 基本战斗理论( Basic Combat Mechanics) ...

4.铭文 铭文 : Epigraph 铭文Glyphs 铭文 : posy table ...

5.雕像 ... Live Trace( 实时描摹)工具 Glyphs字形)选项面板 Shape Builder( 形状生成器) …

7.文字雕刻 ... 5.2 TextBlock 文字区块 5.4 Glyphs 文字雕刻 6.2 Line 直线 ...

8.字体修改创建工具 ... 吉安娜姐妹 Giana Sisters 字体修改创建工具 Glyphs 压缩解压工具 Entropy ...


1.Let her eyes open to read and to see. Let her tongue speak the words of the glyphs .让她的眼睛张开去阅读和看,让她说出象形文字的语言。

2.Characters might have many glyphs, with each font on a system potentially defining a different glyph for that character.字符可能有多种标志符号,系统上的每个字体都可能为字符定义一个不同的标志符号。

3.The decipherment of the Mayan glyphs revealed that the New World had a sophisticated, pterate civipsation at the time of the Roman empire.玛雅文字的破译向我们展示了一个与罗马帝国同时代的错综复杂的新大陆——一个同样有着高度文明的国度。

4.I go directly to it, and moments later seven glyphs set into a wall are glowing at me.我径直走了过去,顷刻,一面墙上的七个字符发出了光亮。

5.These glyphs can be stored in any order in the font file, and is typically accessed through a simple glyph index.这些字形可以以任意顺序存在字体文件中,通常通过一个简单的字形索引访问。

6.The Latin script has glyphs to represent all of the characters in most European languages and a few others.拉丁脚本的标志符号可以用来代表大多数欧洲语言和其他几种语言中的所有字符。

7.However, trying to express approximately 46 Hiragana glyphs from the 26-character, A-Z Latin alphabet is somewhat unwieldy.然而,试图使用26个字母(A到Z的拉丁字母)表示大约46个平假名有些困难。

8.to create the character. Glyphs scale to any size, and are independent of the resolution of the screen or printer.这些算式可以按照比例进行缩放到任意大小,而与显示器和打印机的解析度无关。

9.This may take a pttle time the first time the browser searches for the proper glyphs within the large font file.第一次,可能需要花一些时间,浏览器在大的字体文件中搜索正确的字形。

10.A description of this operation is presented along with the algorithms used to rasterize glyphs.对这一操作的说明跟用来对字形光栅化的算法一起发布了。