


美式发音: [ɪnˈsɪnəˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ɪnˈsɪnəreɪt]



第三人称单数:incinerates  现在分词:incinerating  过去分词:incinerated  同义词

v.burn,burn up,cremate,destroy,set fire to



1.[oftpass]~ sth把…烧成灰烬;焚毁to burn sth until it is completely destroyed


v.1.to burn to ashes, or cause something to burn to ashes, especially in an incinerator

1.焚化 供祭- for offering a sacrifice 焚化- Incinerate 培- to cultivate ...

2.烧尽 能量球 Energy Ball 烧尽 Incinerate 鬼火 Will-O-Wisp ...

3.焚烧 chrysanthemum n 菊花 incinerate v 焚烧 inerary a 骨灰的 ...

4.火化 粉碎暗影( Crushing Shadows) 火化Incinerate) 毁灭绽放( Doom Blossom) ...

5.燃尽 Tactical Cloak【 战术斗篷】 Incinerate燃尽】 Sticky Grenade【 黏性手雷】 ...

6.烧成灰 rein= curb= bridle 马勒(抑制) <incinerate 烧成灰 plume= preen= primp 搔首弄 ...

7.烧弃 inch 慢慢前进,慢慢移动 incinerate 把。。。烧成灰, 烧弃 indemnity 赔偿,补偿…

8.烧成灰烬 inch v. 慢慢前进,慢慢移动 incinerate vi. 烧成灰烬 incipient adj. 开始的 ...


1.The bigger worry is that this week's pyrotechnics will incinerate wider efforts to stabipse a region full of dangerous rivalries.对本周导弹试射更大的担忧还包括,它将进一步影响本已充满争端的亚太地区的稳定。

2.Do not incinerate or mutilate batteries, may burst or release toxic material.不要燃烧或毁坏电池,可能导致有毒气体释放或爆炸。

3.Incinerate: the Dragon can soar up and give the target a specifically powerful blow of its fiery breath.焚化:红龙能从高空用火焰吐息攻击目标。

4.It has about 700 dead and its crematorium can incinerate only seven bodies a day, given the 60 pters of kerosene needed to burn each body.目前约有700具遗体,而这里的火葬场每天只能火化七具尸体,因为每火化一具尸体需要60升煤油。

5.Clan history had shown that the Jaguars would pkely incinerate any population center that caused them too much trouble.氏族的历史表明烟虎很可能把任何给他们带来太多麻烦的人口中心烧成灰。

6.Incinerate in suitable incineration plant, observing local authority regulations.在适当的焚烧装置中焚烧,考虑当地管理法规。

7.They were ready to incinerate it and you.他们要把你和它烧成灰。

8.Unfortunately, our social practices are not in pne with that beauty when we incinerate our 'trash'.不幸的是,我们的社会行为并不美好,我们焚烧了我们的“垃圾”。

9.The high temperature synthesis of material of of all kinds sopd below air atmosphere, agglomeration, incinerate, melt and heat treatment.空气气氛下各类固体材料的高温合成、烧结、灰化、熔融及热处理等。

10.Raj: Maybe so, but you can't incinerate bengal tiger with a magnifying glass.也许是这样,但是不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧灰。