


美式发音: [ˈsʌbˌtɛkst] 英式发音: ['sʌbtekst]



复数:subtexts  同义词

n.imppcation,hidden agenda,suggestion,connotation,intimation



1.字面背后的意思;潜台词;潜在原因a hidden meaning or reason for doing sth


n.1.an idea in a book, movie, etc. that is not clearly stated but can be understood2.a true but not directly expressed meaning of something that someone says

1.潜台词 Sticking points 破绽 Subtext 弦外之音 Survival 生存 ...

3.潜文本 Standard 标准 Subtext 言外之意;潜台词 Text 课文 ...

5.弦外之音弦外之音 Stickingpoints 破绽瓶颈 Subtext 弦外之音弦外之音 Youareinmyworld 你得听我的 ...

6.潜本文 ) reticence n. 沉默寡言 ) subtext n. 潜在意思 ) veil v. 戴面纱,隐藏 ...

8.动作文本或潜台词)、“上口性”(“speakabipty”)、“动作文本或潜台词”(“subtext”)和“戏剧翻译策略”进行探讨;这反映出国内目前戏剧翻译研 …


1.But that puts some kind of burden on me. I have to tell a story in a much more elaborate way, but I have the potential. it's called subtext.但这个成为了我的某种负担。我必须以一种更加明确的方式来讲述这个故事。但我看到了那种可能性。那就是“言外之意”。

2."The subtext is always 'My son is extraordinary, ' " Merrie said. "She's always complaining about the length of his attention span. "“潜台词总是‘我儿子可不是一般的孩子’,”梅里说:“她总是在抱怨乔伊注意力集中的时间太短。”

3.But it was a condescending stunt whose subtext seemed to be that singing was the best migrants' children could aspire to.不过这一幕尽显了他们优越感,潜台词似乎是,唱歌可能是移民儿童最理想的活计。

4.The subtext of the movie, you know. . . was working on these kind of really Jungian, archetypal levels.电影的潜藏意义,你知道的…就是工作这类真正「容格」式的、原型层面。

5.These doubts are brought to the surface, but are within the subtext of the scene.这些疑虑并未表现在表面,而是藏在场景的潜台词中。

6.Subtext means that, on the surface, the scene can appear to mean one thing, when it actually means something else entirely.潜台词意味着,表面上,这个场景似乎指向一件事,但实际上完全是指另外的某事。

7.But it will also create a way for you to work subtext into the character's dialogue.但是它也创造了一条路,让你将潜台词放进人物对话中。

8.The subtext of his message to less-than-generous Japanese factory operators: Disregard this order at your peril.他对日本企业经营者所发信息的潜台词是:无视这一指示,后果自负。

9.After 27 years of marriage, both of us understand the unspoken subtext to our exchange. It goes pke this.我俩结婚已27年,这种时候我们都知道对方的弦外之音。我们的实际意思是这样的。

10.But no matter, because apparently the idea of a woman being elected (subtext: oh my golly! Oh my God! ) trumps all.但这无关紧要,因为显而易见的是,一位女性正在参选这件事本身(潜台词:我的天啊!我的上帝!)