


美式发音: [ɪˈreɪniən] 英式发音: [ɪ'reɪnɪən]








n.1.somebody who comes from Iran2.a group of languages spoken in the region northeast of the Persian Gulf, a subgroup of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European.

1.伊朗 Iraqi 伊拉克人 Iranian 伊朗人 Egyptian 埃及人 ...

3.伊朗的 Iran n. 伊朗 Iranian adj. 伊朗的 Silk n. 蚕丝, 丝, 丝绸, 绸缎 ...

4.伊朗语banian) 、东部影响印度语(Indic)、 伊朗语(Iranian)、吐火罗语(Tocharian)赫梯语族(Hittite)诸印欧分支。

5.伊朗语族 印尼文 Indonesian 伊朗文 Iranian 意大利文 Itapan ...


1.Mottaki said if Iranian authorities are able to confirm her identity she would be free to leave Iran.穆塔基说,如果伊朗当局能够确认她的身份,她将可以自由离开伊朗。

2.In Bangkok an Iranian man blew his legs off with a grenade while trying to flee after similar devices were found.在曼谷,类似的爆炸案发生后,一名伊朗人企图逃跑。他扔了一枚手榴弹,却炸断了自己的双腿。

3.The Iranian people turned the regime man into their own candidate, and he seems to have been transformed by them.伊朗人民把这个政权的人看作他们自己的候选人,他也好像已经被他们改造。

4.In contrast, retroflex consonants do not appear in any other Indo-European language, not even Iranian ones which are closest to Indic.与之相反,代表卷舌音的子音并不出现在任何其他印欧语言里面,甚至在伊朗语那里也没有任何一处是与印度语相近。

5.The Iranian ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi later said the two sides would meet again in less than a month.伊朗驻伊拉克大使哈桑•卡齐米•库米之后表示双方将在一个月内再次会晤。

6.A leader in Jerusalem Post has talked to the heart: the Egyptian revolution presents the biggest cataclysm since the Iranian Revolution.《耶路撒冷邮报》社论说得真切:埃及革命代表“伊朗革命以来的最大灾难”。

7.Duapsm in its widest sense seems to be an inherent and ineradicable tendency of the Iranian mind.二元论在其最广泛的意义似乎是一种固有的,根深蒂固的趋势伊朗铭记。

8.Iranian people are hospitable to the core. When in a tea shop or taxi, we ask how much we have to pay.伊朗人好客真是到了家,在茶馆里或乘的士,每当我们问价钱的时候,回答总是“不必了”,让我们摸不着头脑。

9.Iranian officials have denied her access to a lawyer, and for the first month she was not allowed to talk to her family, even on the phone.政府官员拒绝她任何一次接触律师的请求,而且在囚禁第一个月内她被拒绝与家人通话的请求,甚至是一通电话的请求。

10.Their lawyer, Masoud Shafii, said he had not yet been informed of the court's verdict, an Iranian news website, Khabaronpne, reported.一家伊朗新闻网站Khabaronpne报道说,两名男子的律师马苏德·沙非(MasoudShafii)表示他还没有收到法庭的最终裁决。