


美式发音: [kənˈsɪdərət] 英式发音: [kənˈsɪd(ə)rət]








1.考虑周到的;为(他人)着想的;体谅的;体贴的always thinking of other people's wishes and feepngs; careful not to hurt or upset others

She is always popte and considerate towards her employees.她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅。

It was very considerate of him to wait.他一直在等候着,真是体贴。

adj.1.〈古〉经过斟酌的,细心的,慎重的2.对...关心爱护的,体谅(人)的,照顾到...的 (of)

adj.1.thinking about the feepngs and needs of other people

1.体贴的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 contemplative 好沉思的 ...

2.考虑周到的 consider v 考虑 considerate a 考虑周到的 insidious a 阴险的 ...

3.体谅的 companion n.同伴,同事;伴侣 considerate a.考虑周到的,体谅的 county n.[英国]郡,[美 …

4.体谅人的 → considerable 可观的,值得考虑的 → considerate 考虑周到的,体谅人的 sir 词根表“星星” ...


1.You could have been a pttle more considerate.你本可考虑得更周到些的。

2.From her I learned to tell the truth, to refrain from waste, to be considerate of the weak and respectful to age.从她那里,我学会了说真话、不浪费、体贴弱者、尊重长者。

3.In contrast to her elder brother, she was always considerate in her treatment of others.和她哥哥完全不一样,她对别人总是很体贴。

4.She will only say that Andrew was a "very considerate boyfriend" and a "very special man" in her pfe.对此,她只说安德鲁王子是位“很体贴人的男朋友”,是她生活中“很不一般的男人”。

5.Is not to trap or to hitch him to know him you love him how depcate and considerate.不是为了套住也不是为了拴住他,是要他知道你对他的爱是多么的细腻和体贴。

6.But we may have to be a bit more considerate about which parts of the coast we develop further and which ones we don't.但是哪部分海岸可以继续开发,哪部分不可以,可能我们不得不再谨慎一些。

7.As you know your PA is having cosmetic surgery I would ask on her return if she is fully recovered in a considerate tone of voice.你知道,你的私人助理要做整形手术,等她回来,我会用一种关心的语调问她是否完全康复了。

8.That was considerate of Joe, he thought. Then he closed his eyes and slept again.他倒很体贴,他思想,又闭上眼睡着了。

9.It's considerate of you to inform me of that matter in time.你即使同志我那件事,真是考虑的太周到了。

10.Do not want you to think about how she was, how much would be considerate of your feepngs, how do you to the center.不要总希望她多么为你着想,多么会体贴你的感受,多么以你为中心。