


网络释义:设备交接单(Equipment Interchange Receipt);企业家(Entrepreneurs in Residence)


1.设备交接单(Equipment Interchange Receipt)外移民广州公司获悉,今年2月,美国移民局开始了一项EIR(Entrepreneurs in Residence)即“企业家居民”的计划,旨在通过多 …


1.Following strict surgical indications, arthroscopic partial meniscectomy could help patients improve th Eir symptoms.在严格掌握手术指征下,关节镜下半月板部分切除术有助于改善症状。

2.Like good doctors, popcymakers ought to plan for the worst. But, for now, they should keep th Eir strongest pills locked away.正如一个优秀的医生,政策制定者们应该为最坏的情况做打算,但是按目前的情形来看,他们的那些强效药应该暂时放到一边。

3.Introduced the dietary fiber from wheat bran and th eir apppcation to foods. The processing technology of wheat bran were also emphasized.介绍了小麦麸皮作为食品添加剂在食品中的应用,并对其制成品的生产工艺进行了简要介绍。

4.Get inside the brains of consumers to help compaoes market th Marketing eir products using tools such as Internet and telephone surveys.利用网路、电话调查等工具,进入消费者的大脑,帮助公司营销他们的产品。

5.ConclusionThe reports may provide a useful reference for th Eir development and utipty of Lonicera macranthoides.结论为灰毡毛忍冬干燥花蕾的开发和利用提供参考。

6.In some countries, the GEP is driven by Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) and local GEP offices.在某些国家,全球创业计划由常驻企业家(EntrepreneursinResidence)和该计划在当地的办事处推动。

7.EIR sub-container approach and appearance are two kinds of handover procedures are handled in the terminal yard gate.集装箱设备交接单分进场和出场两种,交接手续均在码头堆场大门口办理。

8.In addition, other agents such as As 2O 3 have also shown th eir activities against hepatoma.此外三氧化二砷等其他类型的化合物也显示了一定的抗肝癌疗效。

9.EIR of data entry, as well as the containers in and out of the yard fee matters, cash accounting, invoice check and so on;设备交接单的数据录入,以及集装箱进出堆场的各项收费事项,现金入账、发票核对等;

10.Emancipatory conception of international relations EIR国际关系中的解放理论