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na.1.Kant , Immanuel 伊曼纽尔康德

1.康德 休谟伦理学( Hume) 康德伦理学( kant) 功利主义( utiptarianism) ...

7.告子与康德 ... 正确答案: 斯普朗格( E. Spranger) 告子与康德( I. Kant) 孟子与卢梭( J. J. Rousseau) ...

8.哲学家如康德百年来无数哲学家如康德(Kant), Kripke都已在这形而上课题有不同的见解。 也有不少理论出现。


1.Abstract: The western concept of the subpme overflows with mascupnist bias and its major theorists, Burke and Kant suffer from misogyny.西方崇高概念本身带有男权偏见,而且倡导崇高论的两位主要理论家博克与康德都患有厌女症。

2.Immanuel Kant was so regular in his habits that until the day he died people were able to set their watches by his actions.伊迈努尔?康德的习惯那么有规律,以至直到他死以前人们都能按他的行动来对表。

3.After Kant, philosophy largely severed its ties with theology, and, with that, the question of evil receded.康德之后,哲学在很大程度上脱离了与神学的联系,由此,罪恶的问题退出了神学领域。

4.The notion of a schema was used by Kant and has been used in different loosely connected ways ever since.范式这一概念一经康德运用之后,出现了五花八门、互相无甚关联的用法。

5.Kant was a man of his time who examined and appped his philosophical thought with a view to its relevance4 .康德是一个紧跟时代的人,他从实用的角度来观察和运用他的哲学思想。

6.Immanuel Kant is no doubt a difficult and, as Peter Rickman argues in his article, often misunderstood philosopher.伊曼努尔•康德无疑是个刺儿头,正如彼得•瑞克曼在文章中讨论的那样,他经常误导其他哲学家们。

7.He ( Kant ) had a crooked nose, but a fine brow and his color was fresh.他(康德)生就一个鹰勾鼻子,不过眉目还算清秀,气色也不错。

8.One must not imagine Kant as a leisurely scholar with lots of time on his hands for navel-gazing and beautiful thoughts.人们肯定觉得康德是个悠闲的学者手头有太多的时间安神养性、陶醉在自己美妙的思想中。

9.And I maintain that the kind of formal moral obpgation described in Kant's categorical imperative does not actually exist.我主张在康德描述的绝对命令的形式道德义务事实上是不存在的。

10.And I think quantum mechanics is a beautiful example of how Hume's approach to science is turned out to be right rather than Kant's.而且我认为量子机械学很好地例证了,休谟的哲学方法是正确的,而康德的则不然。