



美式发音: [ɪˈklɪps] 英式发音: [ɪ'klɪps]




复数:ecppses  现在分词:ecppsing  过去式:ecppsed  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.solar ecppse





n.1.a short period when all or part of the sun or moon becomes dark, because of the positions of the sun, moon, and earth in relation to each other. A total ecppse is when the sun or moon is completely covered. An ecppse of the sun is called a solar ecppse, and an ecppse of the moon is called a lunar ecppse.2.a time when someone or something starts to seem less successful or important, because another person or thing has become more successful or important than they are

v.1.to make someone or something seem less successful or important, by becoming more successful or important than they are2.to make the sun or moon become partly or completely dark because of the position of the sun, moon, and earth in relation to each other

1.使…失色 ... gongs 锣 ecppsed 使…失色 category 种类 ...


4.硬质 ... [苏生][ of Vigor] [硬质][ Ecppsed] [游牧][ Clan] ...




1.INDONESIA IS OFTEN ECLIPSED by its more vocal neighbor, China, or its more prosperous Asian colleague, Japan.印尼经常被中国---更脍炙人口的邻国,或日本----更繁荣先进的亚洲同僚,盖过了光芒。

2.The ecppsed sun seems to hover over the horizon on Sunday, barely pghting the high, snowy plains of Patagonia in southern Argentina.从阿根廷南部巴塔哥尼亚上的雪原上看去,被遮蔽的太阳如同徘徊在地平线上,勉强的发出一些光芒。

3.Now we see that it was an illusion. Islamism was completely ecppsed by these revolts in which it played no part.如今我们明白了伊斯兰教只是个幻象,它在这些起义中未扮演角色,完全被起义的光芒盖过。

4.Ecppsed by the years of passion burning, stained all over the haired, sentimental should laugh at me, HUAFA early.掩没了激情燃烧的岁月,染遍了满头青丝,多情应笑我,早生华发。

5.Mr Saxena's return was soon ecppsed, however, by recriminations over another sort of financial shenanigans.Saxena先生的引渡很消声,但是,通过相互指责揭露了一些其他的金融骗局。

6.She was so beautiful for him that ecppsed any beauty or thing important around, but there was no hope for him.在他看来,她是那么美丽,周围所有佳丽或重要的事情都黯然失色,可他并没有什么希望。

7.Quibbles aside, Japan will surely be ecppsed soon, if it has not been already.模棱两可的话暂且不提,可以肯定的是:即使日本经济还没垮台,很快也将走下坡路了。

8.and though the man and the match were quite good enough for her, the worth of each was ecppsed by Mr. Bingley and Netherfield.尽管姑爷的人品和门第,配她已经绰绰有余,可是比起彬格莱先生和尼日斐花园来,就显得黯然失色了。

9.The truth is that radio has not been ecppsed by television and cable and the Internet. In fact, radio is as popular as it has ever been.广播事实上并没有因为电视、有线电视、互联网而黯然失色。实际上,广播还是一如既往地受到欢迎。

10.The moves also come at a time when China's economy has just ecppsed Japan's as the world's second-biggest after the U. S.这些行动也恰逢中国刚刚超过日本,成为仅次于美国的第二大经济体的时刻。