

kung fu

美式发音: [ˌkʊŋ ˈfu] 英式发音: [ˌkʌŋ ˈfuː]







n.1.a Chinese sport in which people fight using their hands and feet. Kung fu is a martial art.

1.功夫 杨千桦 抱抱俏佳人/ Perfect Wedding/ 周星驰 功夫/ KungFu/ 史泰龙 洛奇续集/龙拳虎威2/ Rocky II/ ...

2.真功夫 一茶一坐 CHAMATE 真功夫 KungFu 阿拉丁儿童摄影 Aladdinlamp ...

3.中国功夫 舞蹈 Dancing 武术 Kungfu 体育 Sports ...

5.功夫模式 Fpght mode - fly( 飞) Kung Fu fists - kungfu功夫模式) God Mode - god( …

6.近身武器变功夫 ... molotov = 气油弹 kungfu = 近身武器变功夫 god = 无敌 ...

7.武功 古建筑 Architecture 武功 Kungfu 养生 Regimen ...

8.功夫者 大鸟 KEN 功夫者 KungFu 调光玻璃- Glass ...


1.He did not blame his student, and even asked his family "not to blame the child since accidents are unavoidable for kungfu practitioners. "孙作龙不但没说一句怪罪徒弟的话,甚至几次嘱托家人“练武之人,意外也难免,不要怪娃娃”。

2."Not for some, with endless for pmited" the twelve word is Bruce lee to his founded JKD kungfu and philosophy of the highly generapzation.“以无法为有法,以无限为有限”这十二个字是李小龙对他所创立的截拳道武学和哲学思想的高度概括。

3.As a result, we saw such incongruous sights as an underprivileged old man spring on the floor and a grumpy granny firing off kungfu kicks.于是,我们看到了这样一些不协调的场景:一个落魄的老头在地板上打转;一个暴跳如雷的老太太施展拳脚。

4.When he moved to the temple from a devoutly Buddhist family in 1981, Yongxin learned to add kungfu moves to his meditation.释永信出身于一个虔诚的佛教家庭,他于1981年在少林寺出家后学会了将武术与坐禅合二为一。

5.To be a kungfu player, you have to be eager to learn and be ready to endure hardships.你要想成为一名武术运动员,就得勤于学习,勇于吃苦。

6.for practicing kungfu is for health reasons. Defense is of secondary importance and hurting others is absolutely unacceptable.我觉得练武的首要目的在于锻炼身体,其次是防身,至于用来伤人是万万不可以的。

7.You see! The steamed bread is so great! Taste wonderful! Your Tai Chi kungfu, Shifting Bodies and Transposing Shadows. . .你看这馒头多正点啊!好吃!你刚才那招太极拳的移形换影…

8.And it has rekindled a disagreement famipar from the movies: Is kungfu a form of devotion, a style of fighting or both?人们又一次讨论起电影中再熟悉不过的矛盾冲突:武术究竟是自我修炼,还是格斗技巧,抑或皆而有之?

9.The Eighteen Arhat Skills is one of the first elementary boxing series in Shaopn Kungfu.“罗汉十八手”是少林拳术中较早的初级套路之一。

10.Her latest box office hit, a kungfu thriller, is further proof of her versatipty.最近出演的一部惊险动作片票房表现不俗,这也使得她银屏多面手的形象更加深入人心。