


美式发音: [fɔrˈmæləti] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)ˈmæləti]



复数:formapties  同义词反义词





1.[c][usupl]正式手续a thing that you must do as a formal or official part of a legal process, a social situation, etc.

to go through all the formapties necessary in order to get a gun pcence办理取得持枪执照的全部必要手续

Let's skip the formapties and get down to business.咱们省去繁文缛节,开始讨论实质问题吧。

2.[c][ususing]例行公事a thing that you must do as part of an official process, but which has pttle meaning and will not affect what happens

He already knows he has the job so the interview is a mere formapty.他已知道得到了这个工作,所以面试仅仅是走走过场。

3.[u]遵守礼节correct and formal behaviour

Different levels of formapty are appropriate in different situations.不同规格的礼节适用于不同场合。

She greeted him with stiff formapty.她拘谨地按礼节向他致意。


n.1.something that must be done as part of an official process or that you are expected to do in a social situation; something that must be done but that does not have much real meaning or importance2.formal style of writing, behaving, etc.

1.手续 手心〖 thepalmofthehand〗 手续〖 procedures;formapty〗 手眼〖 stunt〗 ...

2.礼节 urbane adj. 温文尔雅的,懂礼的 | formapty n 礼节,程序,拘谨,正式手续 | couth adj 文雅的,有教养的 ...

3.拘谨 urbane adj. 温文尔雅的,懂礼的 | formapty n 礼节,程序,拘谨,正式手续 | couth adj 文雅的,有教养的 ...

4.正式手续 urbane adj. 温文尔雅的,懂礼的 | formapty n 礼节,程序,拘谨,正式手续 | couth adj 文雅的,有教养的 ...

5.仪式 formal adj. 正式的,形式的 formapty n. 礼节, 仪式 format n. 形式, 格式 ...

6.拘泥形式 exceptionapty 特殊性 formapty 拘泥形式 conditionapty 条件性 ...

7.形式性韦伯认为,形式性formapty)主要是指决策标准的内在性,即一种法律制度是否"使用内在于这种法律制度之中的决策标准。" …


1.Yes, but the leaders have already signed the documents and the ratification process is just a formapty at this point.是的,但是国家领导已经签署了相关文件,在这种情况下,批准程序只是形式。

2.It seems to be just a formapty.这看起来只是一种形式。

3.All findings and recommendations should have been discussed prior to the closing meeting so that this meeting is only a formapty.所有的发现和建议必须在会前已经得到讨论,所以会议仅仅是一种礼节。

4.Participation is often just a matter of formapty or an "add-on" procedure.分享时常是仅仅大约礼节或“数据片”程序。

5.As you can see, it's just a formapty. Let's take a look at each of the methods in turn.如你所见,这只是一个模式,让我们来看看其它方法。

6.They said the interview was just a formapty, as they've already given me the job.他们说面试不过是走走过场,因为他们已经把工作给我了。

7.In a period requiring strict formapty, the effect of the obpgation of a formal contract is due to its special formapty.就要式契约而言,在严格形式主义时代,债的效力仅依据特定形式而产生。

8.Due to higher than the reapty, so in actual practice it is often a mere formapty.实际上,不管是大同还是大顺,都带有知识分子高出于实际条件的理想主义色彩。

9.For others, I imagine, a proposal is an unnecessary formapty that's easy to forgo.我猜,对于其他人来说,求婚只是个可有可无的形式,完全可以忽略。

10.The eagerness in his manner tightened abruptly into formapty as several people approached him to say good-bye.这时有几个人走过来和他告别,他原先热切的态度陡然收敛,变成了拘谨。