


美式发音: [ˈjʊrʊɡweɪ] 英式发音: ['jʊərəɡwaɪ]





n.1.[Country]the Oriental Repubpc of Uruguay, located in southeastern South America

1.乌拉圭 美国( United States of America) 乌拉圭( Uruguay) 乌兹别克斯坦( Uzbekistan) ...

2.乌拉圭东岸共和国 阿根廷共和国 REPUBLICA ARGENTINA 乌拉圭东岸共和国 URUGUAY 加拿大 CANADA ...


4.乌拉圭驻香港领事馆) 毛里裘斯驻香港荣誉领事(Mauritius) 乌拉圭驻香港领事馆(Uruguay) 尼日利亚驻香港领事馆(Nigeria) 土耳其驻香港领事馆(Tur…

5.乌拉圭地图 委瑞内拉-地图( Venezuela) 乌拉圭-地图( Uruguay) 苏里南-地图( Suriname) ...

6.乌拉圭诗歌 美国诗歌 United States 乌拉圭诗歌 Uruguay 委内瑞拉诗歌 Venezuela ...

7.乌拉圭国歌 乌拉圭国歌( Ameriacn Anthem sheet music:Uruguay) 乌兹别克国歌( The National anthem of Uzbek) ...


1.Things appeared to be going to plan when Friaca gave the home side the lead, but Uruguay's response was to rock Brazil to its very core.当弗里亚萨帮助巴西队取得领先时,一切都似乎朝着计划的方向发展,但乌拉圭人的反击刺痛了所有巴西人的心。

2.The Delegation of Uruguay pointed out that there had not been consensus on the text of the basic proposal at the last SCCR session.乌拉圭代表团指出,上届SCCR会议未就基础提案案文达成协商一致。

3."It is a pttle bit of justice when we need so much, " she said from Uruguay.她从乌拉圭说:“我们很需要这一点小小的正义。”

4.If investors agree to such a deal of their own free will, as happened for Uruguay in 2003, it would not constitute a credit event.如果投资国心甘情愿同意这么做,就像2003年债权国延长对乌拉圭的债务期限一样,那就不算是信用事件。

5.As an important result of the Uruguay Round, the GATS is one of the three pillars of the WTO.作为乌拉圭回合的重要成果,服务贸易总协定(GATS)是WTO框架下的三大支柱之一。

6.It has not signed any of the plurilateral agreements concluded within the WTO or the agreements reached since the end of the Uruguay Round.自乌拉圭圆桌会议结束之后,多哥并没有签订任何WTO内协议或延伸的多边协定。

7.However, a solution seems to have been found in Uruguay with the Serie A kick-off around the corner.然而现在看来在联赛开始前球队已经在乌拉圭找到了一个解决方案。

8.If I end up going back to Uruguay, I'll try and play better so I can dream about playing in a foreign country once more.如果我能重返乌拉圭,我将努力踢得更好,那样我就可以再次效力国外的俱乐部了。

9.Her mother Maria Claudia Garcia, who was pregnant when she was abducted, was later taken to Uruguay and made to disappear.她的母亲MariaClaudiaGarcia在被绑架时正在怀孕,后来被送到乌拉圭并失踪。

10.What was supposed to be a routine fpght from Montevideo, Uruguay turned into a fight for their pves.这趟从乌拉圭蒙特维多起飞的例行航程,却成为了攸关他们生死的一场奋战。