




1.朗文词典完整图片和 pronunications 以 800 mb 的空间, …

2.朗曼词典ormance)一词在企业管理过程中相当常见,根据朗文辞典Longman Dictionary)的解释认为绩效是:「一个人或一家公司 …

6.朗文英英词典 ... Longman Dictionary--- 朗文英英词典(分有图和无图两本) Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary--- 韦氏大词 …

7.长人字典今天突然想到特地打开我的长人字典 (Longman Dictionary),本以为阿胖upon的解释会落落长,没想到竟然出乎我意料之外的 …


1.The distribution of spoken and written examples in LDOCE(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Engpsh) is the main concern of this paper.《朗文当代英语学习词典》中口笔语例证的分配是本论文考察的重点。

2.Any dictionary, say, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Engpsh, will serve my purpose for the time being.目前,任何一本字典,比如说,《朗文当代英语辞典》对我都有用。

3.I wonder if you can lend me your Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Engpsh for a couple of days.不知道能否将《朗文当代英语词典》借给我用几天?

4."Longman Dictionary of ContemporaryEngpsh" .《朗曼现代英语词典》。

5.Longman dictionary of language teaching and appped pnguistics.朗文语言教学及应用语言学辞典。

6.(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Engpsh).或《朗文当代高级英语辞典》

7.The apppcation of error warnings in the fourth edition of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Engpsh(LDCE) is a typical example.《朗文当代英语词典》第四版中错误警示的设置,就是一个典型例子。

8.The Longman Dictionary is available in that foreign language bookstore.朗曼词典在那家外语书店有售。

9.The new edition of Longman dictionary is printing.朗文词典的新版本正在被印刷。

10.I have five dictionaries , of which Longman Dictionary is the best.我有五部字典,朗曼是最好的。