


美式发音: [.em 'si] 英式发音: [.em 'siː]



英文单词:甲基纤维素(Methyl cellulose);主持人;熔火之心(Molten Core)

复数:MCs  同义词




1.司仪,仪式主持人(全写为 master of ceremonies)the abbreviation for master of ceremonies

2.议会议员,国会议员(全写为 Member of Congress)the abbreviation forMember of Congress

3.说唱歌手a person who speaks the words of a rap song



n.1.Master of Ceremonies: someone whose job is to introduce speakers and performers at a public event2.a rapper

1.甲基纤维素(Methyl cellulose).这你喇叭的开关才不会常常因为承受大电流而有劣化现象! AI艾佛 …

6.肥大细胞(mast cell)肥大细胞病(MCD)是与细胞学异常的肥大细胞MC)中的一个或多个器官的浸润与造血干细胞肿瘤。 MCD经常但不总是与K…

7.加工中心(machining center)4.加工中心(MC):带有自动换刀装置的数控机床。5.CNC:计算机数控系统(Computer Numerical Control CNC )以计算机为 …


1.And the man right next to me had a dream to have his own television program and he was the MC and he was fabulous.我身旁的男士有一个梦想,就是拥有自己的电视节目。他要做司仪,他很了不起。

2.You know, we are just about getting ready to raid MC, if you do not concentrate, we will put your name in the "backup" list.暗之女声说:“你也知道,我们一直在准备讨伐熔火之心,如果你不能够把精力集中起来,那么我们只好把你放在替补的席位了”

3.But you've been avoiding me all morning, and we have got to talk about this deal with the Mc Kinsey Food Company.可一上午你都躲着我,而我们必须要谈谈和麦克金西食品公司的那笔生意。

4.Tell him that I reaffirm my appraisal of him while I was on Earth: the fact that he is "THE REAL MC-COY. "告诉他,我重申自己那时还在世的时候对于他的评估:他就是那真实不虚的MC-COY。

5.The MC shall be able to transport at least 2 collectors, and should not need to return to base during a collector exchange.MC应该能够运输至少2个收集器,而且在收集器更换过程中不需要返还到基地。

6.To understand how that works, you can think of an MC as a spreadsheet, whose cells are the metrics.要理解这是如何工作的,您可以将MC看作是电子表格,其单元格表示度量。

7.MC: If I understand your question in the right way, it was just one part of the campaign.如果我没有错误的理解你的问题的话,它只是运动的一部分。(又一句费解的!)

8.McDonald's claims it has decided to offer the wedding service only after acquiescing to public demand for it.MC称它已经决定在默许对公众对于它的要求:提供婚礼服务。

9.Suffice it to say then that anyone looking like MC Mong would not last five minutes in the South Korean army.我只想说,像MC梦这样身子骨的人,在韩国兵役训练里肯定挺不过五分钟。

10.Conclusion MC and LC are better than OC in efficiency. Moreover, MC and LC can be applied as a routine surgical technique.结论MC术和LC术效果较OC组好,是治疗胆石症安全、有效的手术方式,值得在临床上推广。