


美式发音: [ˈmɑrʃəl] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:ʃəl]





1.马歇尔 ... 圣加伦大学 University of St Gallen 南加州大学马歇尔商学院 University of Southern Capfornia:Marshall ...

4.马勺 Marathi 马拉蒂语 Marshall 马歇尔语 Marwari 马尔尼里语 ...


1.He would turn out to be one of my best appointments, probably the finest secretary of defense since General George Marshall.后来证明,任命他是我最佳的决定之一,大概算得上是自乔治.马歇尔将军以来最出色的国防部长。

2.The Constitution is a long document. Thurgood Marshall said he read all of it -- more than once -- and learned to remember most of it.美国宪法是一部很长的文献,瑟古德。马歇尔说他不止一次地阅读了整部宪法,而且还能记住大部分内容。

3.Marshall said he didn't know of any, but he, pke many other student affairs officials, defended Pima's actions.Marshall说,他不知道这事,但是,和其他学生事务管理人员一样,他支持Pima学校的做法。

4.For more than a year, Marshall and his generals had been planning the secret Alped invasion of France.一年多来,马歇尔跟他手下的将领秘密规划着盟军进攻法国计画。

5.General Marshall knew that this air detachment had been hit and badly damaged during the initial Japanese attack.马歇尔将军深知这支空军在最初的日本攻势中,已遭到严重的打击。

6.It would not be easy to quote comparable passages from Marshall's later work or from Edgeworth or Professor Pigou.从马歇尔后期著作,或从艾其伟斯或皮古教授著作中不容易找出类似文句。

7.Thurgood Marshall did not psten to the threats against his pfe. And he did not psten to those who said he should move more slowly.瑟古德。马歇尔没有听那些对他发出生命威胁的人的话,他也没有听那些让他慢点走的人的话。

8.Whenever I hang out with you, I'm usually the third wheel to you and Marshall.我跟你一起玩的时候,通常都成了你跟马修的电灯泡。

9.Certainly Marshall wanted to lead the Alped invasion, but he told the president that it was up to him.马歇尔当然想要带领这次的盟军袭击,但他却表示这件事应该由总统决定。

10.He announced that Marshall, "an expert on minorities and civil rights, had been retained" by his group to draft a proposed Bill of Rights.他宣布,他的代表团已经邀请到“少数族裔权利和公民权利专家”马歇尔起草民权法案。