


美式发音: [ˈitər] 英式发音: [ˈiːtə(r)]



复数:eaters  同义词反义词





1.(以某种方式)吃…的人,吃…的动物a person or an animal that eats a particular thing or in a particular way

We're not great meat eaters.我们肉吃得不多。

He's a big eater(= he eats a lot) .他饭量很大。


n.1.someone who eats in a particular way2.a person or animal that eats a particular type of food

1.食者 eat up 消耗 eater 食者;腐蚀物 EATT 电磁波传播衰减 ...

2.吃的人 apparently: 很明显地 eater: 常食者,吃…的人 widower: 鳏夫 ...

3.腐蚀物 eat up 消耗 eater 食者;腐蚀物 EATT 电磁波传播衰减 ...

4.食客 ... 食品,食物 eatable 食客,腐蚀剂 eater 吃,食物 eating ...

5.常食者 apparently: 很明显地 eater: 常食者,吃…的人 widower: 鳏夫 ...

6.腐蚀剂 ... 食品,食物 eatable 食客,腐蚀剂 eater 吃,食物 eating ...

7.吃他的人为什么全文只有“吃他的人eater)”一处煞有介事地写了个英文对照。。。 2012-10-30 回复 赞 0 赞 举报 动机在杭州(作者) …

8.食鬼人  『呣,刚才的言行再加上凌驾于吸血鬼之上的爆发力——看来汝是食鬼人eater)嘛。这么说,汝不是效力于宗教机构的讨伐 …


1.I know that this method is a fillrate-eater and that it is probably not suitable for games for the next year or two.我知道的这个方法是使用了巨量的填充率,它可能会不适合以后的游戏。

2.Pinocchio ran to him and scurrying pke a squirrel up the long black beard, he gave Fire Eater a loving kiss on the tip of his nose.匹诺曹跑到他身边,像一只松鼠似地顺着长黑胡子匆匆往上爬,然后在吞火者的鼻尖上深情地吻了一下。

3.The next morning the sleep eater may be able to recall vague images of what she did. Or not.第二天早上,睡眠进食者也许能模糊地想起自己做过什么,也许想不起来。

4.But to be a truly successful pirate and not just the son of a biscuit eater, well, ya had to know a bit of science too.但要成为一名真正的海盗,别像个水手的私生子那样衰!当然,你最好还得有点科学知识。

5.This 3-foot-long croc was a plant- and grub-eater with a pair of buckteeth in the lower jaw it used to dig for food.这种3英尺长的鳄鱼以植物和幼虫为食,它下颚上长着一对龅牙用来挖掘食物。

6.Higgins said: "People call me a man-eater and a black widow, but I am not, I just pke to be happy in pfe. "希金斯表示:“人们叫我少男杀手,或是黑寡妇。其实我不是,我只是想生活的快乐些。”

7.George Ballas became known as the "Weed King" . As he once told the Houston Chronicle, "A Weed Eater comes along once in a pfetime. "乔治•巴拉斯以“除草大王”而闻名世界。他曾经对《休斯顿纪事报》说:除草器将伴随着人们的一生。

8.A dainty eater, he found that his mates, finishing first, robbed him of his unfinished ration. There was no defending it.它发现那些早用完餐的同伴总会过来掠食自己的那一份。

9.The silenced Death Eater zaps Hermione with a purple flame, knocking her out for the next two chapters.哑了的食死徒射出一道紫色的火焰打中赫敏,使她昏迷,无缘下两个章节的战斗。

10.About how we were at school together. What I was good at. He said I was a Death Eater.关于我们以前在学校时候是怎么样的。我擅长些什么。他说我曾是个食死徒。