


英文单词:未送达报告(Non-Delivery Report);收到未送达报告;未传递报告


1.未送达报告(Non-Delivery Report) XDR) 标 准。DCOM 的 编码 格式 是 NDR( Network Data Representation) ; CORBA/ IIOP 则 是 CDR ( Common Data Repre…

6.未传递回报有几个未传递回报 (NDR) 突增的原因,可能会影响电子邮件环境。例如,网域内的某个电子邮件地址可能受到诈骗活动的影响…


1.At this point, the MTA generates an NDR for each recipient that did not receive the message.这时,MTA会为没有收到邮件的每个收件人生成NDR。

2.If the sender of the message is postmaster name@name of your e-mail domain. com, the message is an NDR message.如果邮件的发件人是postmastername@nameofyoure-maildomain网址被屏蔽,该邮件是一个NDR消息。

3.After the default timeout of two days, the mail will be returned to the sender with a non-delivery report (NDR).在两天的默认超时后,通过未送达报告(NDR)将该邮件退回发件人。

4.When a message is rejected, a non-delivery report (NDR) is returned to the sender and the original message is deleted.拒绝邮件时,将向发件人返回未送达报告(NDR),并删除原始邮件。

5.Disconnect ends the connection between the sending server and the Edge Transport server without generating an NDR message.Disconnect可以断开发送服务器与边缘传输服务器之间的连接,而不生成NDR邮件。

6.The postmaster mailbox is an account that receives NDRs and sends delivery status reports of messages to the sender .邮局主管邮箱是接收NDR并向发件人发送邮件传递状态报告的帐户。

7.In this scenario, the person who appears as the message sender is the external recipient that receives the NDR from the postmaster account.在这种情况下将显示为邮件的发件人的人将成为外部邮局主管帐户从接收NDR的收件人。

8.Check the NDR to verify the delivery status notification (DSN) codes, and to determine which server and component are generating the NDR.检查NDR,以验证发送状态通知(DSN)代码,并确定生成NDR的服务器和组件。

9.Enter the message body that you want delivered in the non-delivery report (NDR) to senders.输入希望在未送达报告(NDR)中传递给发件人的邮件正文。

10.However, if the e-mail alias does not exist, Exchange tries to send an NDR to the original e-mail message sender.但是,如果不存在该电子邮件别名,Exchange会尝试将NDR发送到原始电子邮件发件人。