


美式发音: [ˌəʊ i: 'di:] 英式发音: [ˌəʊ i: 'di:]

abbr.《牛津英语大词典》(最大的英语词典,初版于 1928 年在英国发行)

英文单词:牛津英语词典(Oxford English Dictionary);牛津英语大辞典;牛津英语字典



1.《牛津英语大词典》(最大的英语词典,初版于 1928 年在英国发行)the Oxford English Dictionary (the largest dictionary of the English language, which was first published in Britain in 1928)

abbr.1.(=Oxyethylene Docosanol)羟乙基二十二碳烷醇

abbr.1.(=Oxyethylene Docosanol)

1.牛津英语词典(Oxford English Dictionary)or General Bruce Murray, Operations Evaluation Department (OED) Director R. Keith Leonard, Operations Evaluation Divisio...


1.This seems to be the most up to date research on the subject since it appears in the OED online as posted in draft September 2004.以上似乎是对相关主题的最新研究成果,因为它在2004年9月才被发布到《牛津英语词典》的在线版本上。

2.Ms. McPherson said the OED requires 'evidence of a word's usage over a 10-year period, before considering it for inclusion' in its editions.麦克弗森说,《牛津英语词典》在考虑收入一个新词汇前,要求该词的使用时间超过十年。

3.The OED tells me that this word comes from ancient Greek where Nemesis was a goddess.《牛津英语词典》(OED)告诉我说,这个单词来自古希腊语,Nemesis是指复仇女神。

4.But despite its global reputation, the OED has never made a profit and continues to cost several million pounds a year in research.尽管牛津英文词典享誉全球,但是这本书并未给出版社赢利,并且每年还要花几百万镑来做调查研究。

5.It was pointed out in particular by John Simpson, the OED's Chief Editor as the first word he ever worked on when he joined the OED in 1976.《词典》的总编约翰·辛普森特别提到了它,因为queen是他在1976年加入词典编辑部时第一个探究的单词。

6.You can tell that this particular entry in the OED has not been updated too recently.你可以看到,最近一版的OED中,这个词条仍旧没有更新。

7.Wells predicted that the OED would be bursting with a quarter of a million words defined.威尔斯预测说,OED将会给多达25万个单词下定义。

8.It means to do some sort of damage and the OED claims it's from Afro-American origins.它的意思是造成一定破坏,OED称其出自美国黑人英语。

9.Well, to be truthful, none of my sources go down that path, so what's the OED telling me.坦白讲,我手头没有哪条线索是追溯到这条路上去的。那么OED怎么说呢?

10.For each significant computerized system, it may be helpful to prepare or oed schematic drawing of the attendant hardware.对于每个重要的计算机化系统,准备好相关硬件的示意图可能会有所帮助。更详细。