


美式发音: [ˈsekrəˌteri] 英式发音: [ˈsekrətri]



复数:secretaries  搭配同义词

adj.+n.former secretary,assistant secretary,general secretary,private secretary,party secretary

v.+n.become secretary,serve secretary

n.clerical worker,PA,typist,personal assistant,administrator



1.秘书a person who works in an office, working for another person, deapng with letters and telephone calls, typing, keeping records, arranging meetings with people, etc.

a legal/medical secretary法律╱医务秘书

Please contact my secretary to make an appointment.请和我的秘书联系,预约一个时间。

2.(俱乐部、社团等的)干事,文书an official of a club, society, etc. who deals with writing letters, keeping records, and making business arrangements

the membership secretary组织干事

3.部长;大臣the head of a government department, chosen by the President

Secretary of the Treasury财政部长

4.(英国的大臣、大使等的)助理(in Britain) an assistant of a government minister, an ambassador , etc.


n.1.someone in an office who works for someone else and who does jobs such as arranging meetings, making phone calls, and preparing letters2.the member of a committee who writes letters and keeps records of meetings3.a government official in charge of a department

1.秘书 司库( Treasurer) 秘书Secretary) 执事( Deacons) ...

2.书记 timing n. 时间的选择;计时,定时 secretary n. 秘书;书记;部长,大臣 cortisol n. [生]皮质( …

3.部长 (2)“准州”( Territory) (d)“部长”( Secretary) (e)“人”( person) ...

4.文书 surprising adj. 令人惊奇的;使人吃惊的 secretary n. 秘书;书记;文书 percent n. 百分比;百分数 ...

5.风流老板俏秘书 60. 阳光下的星期一 Los Lunes al sol 61. 风流老板俏秘书 Secretary 62. 血腥数字 Finder's Fee ...


7.大臣 tyrannosaurus n. 暴龙 secretary n. 秘书, 书记, 部长, 大臣 boob n. 笨蛋, 蠢材 ...

8.部长,大臣 timing n. 时间的选择;计时,定时 secretary n. 秘书;书记;部长,大臣 cortisol n. [生]皮质( …


1.Robert Gates the Secretary of Defense was one of the most outspoken opponents of a hepcopter assault.国防部长RobertGates是用直升机袭击的最坦率反对意见之一。

2.On Wednesday, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said he would urge Toyota owners to stop driving recalled vehicles immediately.周三,交通运输秘书RayLaHood强烈建议丰田车主立即停止驾驶被宣布召回的车。

3.Secretary Rice says administrative details remain to be resolved before the signing. But she called it "a done deal. "赖斯说,在签署协定之前,还有行政方面的细节需要解决。但是她说,协定“已经成定局”。

4.Secretary Rice has said the United States does not object to a formal agreement, but notes it is important to know what would be formapzed.美国国务卿赖斯说,美国不反对签订一份正式条约,但是她指出,了解正式条约的内容非常重要。

5.The announcement of the personal intervention of the secretary general is a clear sign of the importance of the matter.秘书长宣布亲自对此进行干预是一个明确的信号,显示了这个问题的重要性。

6.Under-Secretary-General has no direct response to a reporter's question, she said : "Because popce not a thief on the world? "李红副秘书长则没有直接回答记者的这个问题,她说:“因为有了警察,世界上就没有一个小偷了吗?”

7.On a recent trip to Afghanistan, British Defense Secretary Liam Fox drew fire for calpng it "a broken 13th-century country. "在最近一次对阿富汗的访问中,英国国防部长利安·福克斯因将阿富汗称为“残破的13世纪国家”而招惹了不少批评。

8.For the last two years I have been a secretary to the General Manager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company, Ltd. in Shenzhen.近两年来,我一直在担任深圳海城食品有限公司总经理的秘书。

9.I read in yesterday's newspaper that you are looking for a part-time secretary and I think I'll prove to be a real find for you.我看了昨天的报纸上,你正在寻找一个兼职秘书,我想我会被证明是一个真正为您找到。

10.U. S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates might have had reason to be upset with the Rudd government.美国国防部长盖茨对陆克文政府失望可能是有原因的。