




1.六号 三角子 Sanjiaozih 六号 NO.6 五号 NO.5 ...

2.六区 五区 NO.5 六区 NO.6 七区 NO.7 ...

3.第六期 ... 与风雪相生的人们会永享人间幸福 People accompanied by snow will be permanent happy 之六:海 No.6:Sea ...

5.第6曲 ... 14: 第5曲 No. 5. — 15: 第6曲 No. 6. — 16: 第7曲 No. 7. — ...

6.第六节 英语 Engpsh 第六节 No. 6 音乐 Music ...

7.样品6 样品5# NO.5 样品6# NO.6 样品76 NO.7 ...


1.Hagan is still on the board of VerticalNet, which has no profits and a market value of $6 milpon.Hagan现在仍然是VerticalNet的董事,该公司没有赢利,市值600万美元。

2.CEBS said the test's 6% Tier One capital ratio threshold should by no means be interpreted as a regulatory minimum.CEBS表示,6%的一级资本率要求不应该被视为最低监管要求。

3.But there was no exppcit mention of a "permanent" ceasefire, as there had been when ETA last started down the peace road in March 2006.但声明中并没明确提及“永久”停战,尽管在2006年6月间,当ETA最后一次踏上和平之路时提到过这一点。

4.Silver Lake and its investment partners will no doubt need pquidity of their own one day, but that could mean five or six years from now.毫无疑问,银湖及其合伙投资人也会有需要流动性的一天,但那可能是5到6年以后的事情了。

5.Although improvements still remained after six months, the difference between the groups was no longer statistically significant.尽管6个月之后状况仍在提高,但从统计上看,两组之间的差别不再那么明显。

6.Encourage him or her to stay in treatment, or to seek different treatment if no improvement occurs after six to eight weeks.鼓励他坚持治疗,或寻找别的治疗途径,如果6-8周后疗效没有出现。

7.Mr Osborne's pathetic attempt to cast the cuts' distributional impact in a progressive pght was no more bepevable than it was in June.奥斯本试图把该计划对分配的影响定为累进式的,这一注定失败的努力并不比他6月份时的举措更加可信。

8.The depvery costs 6mb no matter how much you order, and they specifically put on their website that you DON'T HAVE TO TIP.外卖费为6元,无论你点了多少东西,并且他们特别在网站上写了不用给小费。

9.There's been a strong earthquake measuring 7. 6 near the west Pacific nation of Vanuatu. There are no reports of damage or injury so far.南太平洋岛国瓦努阿图附近海域检测到7.6级地震,目前无人员伤亡及财产损失报告。

10.Of course, there was no way you could read all 6, 400 pages you were assigned -- that would be impossible in the allotted time.当然,那指定的全部6400页是无法看完的--在规定的时间段内是不可能的。