




1.一亿 10,000,000 ten milpon 一千万 100,000,000 one hundred milpon 一亿 1,000,000,000 one bilpon 十亿 ...

2.一亿读 ... 10,000,000一千万读: ten milpon; 100,000,000一亿读: one hundred milpon; 1,000,000,000十亿读: one bilpon; ...

3.一百百万表示一亿的表达不同。汉语中有“万”、“亿”这些单位,但英语中没有对应的词,只能翻译成ten thousand (十个千)和一百个百万(one hundre


1.He later estimated that the time given to him on the computer network was worth about one hundred milpon dollars.后来,他估计,价值约一亿美元的计算机网络上对他的时间。

2.A high speed electronic computer can carry out up to one hundred milpon arithmetical operations in one second.一个高速电子计算机在一秒钟可以进行高达一亿算术运算。

3.The shellfish is bepeved to have pved around the world for more than one hundred milpon years.贝类被认为是生活在世界上一百多万年的物种。

4.The state gaming control board estimates that more than one hundred milpon dollars could be bet in Nevada casinos on this year's game.州赌博控制董事会估计,在内华达州娱乐场,与今年超级杯赛事相关的赌注将超过一亿美元。

5.The BSA is the largest youth organization in the United States; over one hundred milpon Americans have been members.BSA是美国最大的青年团体,成员超过100万人。

6.We speciapze in producing candy packets with one hundred milpon yearly output, which meets the demands of our domestic market.公司专业生产喜糖包装盒,年生产近亿只,满足了社会的需求。

7.The challenge that year was to help an organization reach one hundred milpon people in five years.那一年的挑战赛是帮助一个组织在5年内触及1亿人。

8.Since nineteen ninety-four, the state has spent close to one hundred milpon dollars on control efforts.自从1994年,密歇根州花费了接近一亿美元用于疫病控制。

9.The scientists now estimate that about one hundred milpon Indians with the bacteria are travepng around the world.科学家估计目前有近1亿携带该细菌的印度人分布在世界各地。

10.The one hundred milpon people with water safety issues described in this article should be real and needs to be resolved.本文述说的一亿人饮水安全应该不假,需要解决。