


美式发音: [ˈæktris] 英式发音: 



复数:actresses  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.famous actress,young actress,good actress,french actress,favorite actress

v.+n.become actress,marry actress





1.女演员a woman who performs on the stage, on television or in films/movies, especially as a profession

n.1.女演员; 女表演者

n.1.a woman who performs in plays and films, especially as her job. Many women performers prefer to be called actors rather than actresses.

1.女演员 Chemical 化学的 Actress 女演员 Directress 女导演 ...

2.最佳女主角 最佳男主角 Actor 最佳女主角 Actress 最佳男配角 Supporting Actor ...

3.男演员 writer actor 作家 actress 男演员 artist 女演员 ...

4.坤角儿 新华字典,汉字: 坤 female; 坤角儿[ actress] 坤伶[ actress] ...


1.The results in a film with the stage show, designed to let people out of the big ugly actress, Debbie has come.结果在一次随片登台的表演中,众人设计让女星出了大丑,黛比也反败为胜。

2.I'm very grateful to receive this award for "best actress" . I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor.能够获此“最佳女主角”奖,我非常感激我现在无法表达我是多么珍惜这个伟大的奖项

3.If it's not possible to give an actress a fully terrible haircut, efforts should be made to at least add some bedhead to the proceedings.如果不能给一个女演员制造一个完全糟糕的发型,至少得花点心思稍加破坏一番。

4.She scored the Best Actress Oscar for her performance in the film, not to mention instant international fame.在这部电影中她获得了最佳奥斯卡女主角奖,更不用说她因此世界闻名。

5.Actress AJ spoke to the General Assembly in her capacity is a board member of population services international international.女演员AJ以国际人口服务董事会一员的身份在联合国大会发表讲话。

6.Very. Really one of the best private theatricals I ever attended. There was one actress who surprised us all.好极了,这是我看到过的业余演出中最出色的一常有一个女演员让我们大家都大吃一惊。

7.The love between the leading actor and actress is so close yet so far, making it a Chinese version of Casablanca, a powerful tearjerker.男女主人公在剧中爱得若即若离,催人泪下,上演了一部中国版《卡萨布兰卡》。

8.Moon Geun Young is the child actress in Autumn Sonata, Queen Ming Cheng and lead actress in Painter of the Wind and Cinderella's Sister.文根英就是《秋之奏鸣曲》里的那个小童星,也是《风之画员》和《灰姑娘的姐妹》的主演。

9.She has never lost faith in her own abipty, so it is a possibipty for her to become a successful actress.他从未对本身的能力掉去决议信念,是以她可能成为一位乐成的演员。

10.With her beautiful face and excellent figure, people often say that she could be a fashion model or an actress.由于她漂亮的脸蛋和迷人的身材,人们常说她完全可以当一名时装模特儿或者演员。