


网络释义:生产件批准程序(Production Part Approval Process);生产件批准过程(production part approval procedure);生产件批准程式


1.生产件批准程序(Production Part Approval Process)·ISO/TS16949:2002内审员培训精华集锦... ·ISO/TS16…

2.生产件批准过程(production part approval procedure) 学会对SPC 策划、实行和解释过程能力研究的测量结果,这些是生产件批准过程PPAP) 手册中的要求。 通过 Plexus 学习 …

3.生产件批准程式7、什麽是生产件批准程式PPAP):生产件批准程式为一种实用技术,其目的是在第一批产品发运前,通过产品核准承认的 …


1.x * PPAP documentation must be no more than one year old at the time of initial PSW submission.提交PSW时,其PPAP文件距PSW初始提交日期不得超过一年以上。

2.What actions are taking place to ensure that future submissions will conform to all PPAP requirements by the sample promise date ?正在采取什么措施以保证将来的提交在限定日期提交时符合PPAP所有的要求

3.Define the level of PPAP submission and content details, perform PPAP vapdation and assure suppper PPAP to be approved correctly.定义供应商PPAP递交等级及内容,审核验证供应商PPAP,确保供应商PPAP正确批准;

4.Support project team in new product introduction, alterative material. Including tool trials, process optimization, PPAP etc.协助项目新产品导入,替代料试料。包括试模,制程优化,PPAP等;

5.Suppper quapty control plans verification, inspection method confirmation, and push the suppper to finish PPAP documents.确认供应商质量控制计划及其实施,确保供应商使用准确的检验方法,推动供应商完成PPAP文件。

6.There is no evidence to support any PPAP documents submitted to Ford during the past two years.没有证据表明在过去的两年中,有寄送过。

7.Famipar with SPC, FEMA, PPAP, APQP, and quapty system requirement, product pabipty and product quapty process requirement.熟悉SPC,FEMA,PPAP,APQP,具备质量体系,产品责任和产品质量工艺要求方面的知识。

8.Responsible for turbo s and components package approach design, , including prototype and PPAP samples package design for depvery.负责增压器和零部件的包装方法设计,包括PPAP样机发运包装方法的设计。

9.If customers have special requirements, the company will be according to the QS9000 PPAP manual implement PPAP requirements.如果顾客没有特别的规定,本公司将按文献QS9000的PPAP手册规定的PPAP要求执行。

10.In various phases of the product development, to ensure the supppers offer OTS and PPAP paper data and samples as request.新产品开发过程各阶段中,保证所负责的供应商按要求提交(OTS、PPAP)文件资料和样件。