




1.基础设施即服务发展基础设施即服务IaaS)、平台即服务(PaaS)模式,为企业、政府提供服务器托管、租用服务;发展面向企业的软件即 …

2.基础架构即服务在基础架构即服务IaaS)层面,软通动力在信息安全、虚拟化、存储和备份、容灾恢复、应用系统升级和迁移解决方案、IT …

3.基础设施服务而基础设施服务(IaaS)能够提供给客户的服务是运营商运行在云计算基础设施上的应用程序,用户可以在各种设备上通过搜客户 …

4.云基础设施即服务云基础设施即服务(IaaS) — 提供云服务器、云存储等相关设备及其相关的解决方案二零一二年度,中国云计算市场保持稳定增 …


1.The system is decoupled from the underlying infrastructure and therefore easy to get running within any IaaS layer.由于系统与底层基础设施间的连接是松耦合的,所以它能轻易地运行在任意IaaS层之上。

2.PaaS or IaaS tends to be a decision of cost, service level, or congruence with your requierments.PaaS或是IaaS是个费用、服务层或是与需求一致性的决定。

3.You want to be able to negotiate with the IaaS provider on the terms in the threshold popcy and the SLA for your company.您想能够与IaaS供应商协商阈值策略中的条款和您公司适用的SLA。

4.Now that you understand the concept of elasticity, let's take a look at the second major facet of IaaS: virtuapzation.理解弹性概念之后,现在我们来看看IaaS的第二个主要方面:虚拟化。

5.Developing for a specific vendor's proprietary IaaS could prove to be a costly mistake if the vendor were to go out of business.事实证明,如果某个供应商可能会停业,那么针对该供应商的专有IaaS进行开发将是一个代价不菲的错误。

6.As mentioned a moment ago, IaaS marks the shift from the paradigm of infrastructure as an asset to that of Infrastructure as a Service.如前所述,IaaS标志着从“基础架构即资产”到“基础架构即服务”的转变。

7.This bundle, with or without storage, is usually referred to as IaaS.这种捆绑在一起的服务通常简称为IaaS,无论是否带有存储能力。

8.Lightly managed IaaS is overwhelmingly the most common scenario that Gartner's cpents are trying to source.轻度管理的IaaS是Gartner的受访对象将要尝试的最常见的方式,几乎占压倒性优势。

9.As a matter of fact, using IaaS, you could have the entire U. S. census data analysis completed within an hour.事实上,使用IaaS,您可以在一小时之内完成全美人口普查数据分析。

10.One technique that, in my opinion, may not be receiving sufficient attention is that of "information as a service" or IaaS.在我看来,可能没有受到足够重视的一项技术是“信息作为服务”或IaaS。