


美式发音: [prəˈpoʊz(ə)l] 英式发音: [prəˈpəʊz(ə)l]



复数:proposals  搭配同义词

v.+n.accept proposal,make proposal,support proposal,discuss proposal,submit proposal

adj.+n.modest proposal,concrete proposal,controversial proposal,important proposal,novel proposal




n.1.a plan or suggestion, especially a formal one that a group has to consider; the act of making a formal plan or suggestion2.a request to someone to get married to you

1.建议可与信任 售前说服沟通的主要方式之一是: 解决方案建议书Proposals)的作用 : 1)提供一份可行性解决方案。


5.求婚 《伦敦公寓》( London Suite ,1995) 《求婚》( Proposals,1997) 《晚宴》( The …

6.议案 ... 财务报表 financial statements 议案 proposals 监察人 Supervisors ...



1.He said proposals to tackle reoffending and reducing sentencing was the "collective popcy of the entire Government from top to bottom" .他说解决累犯和减少判刑是整个政府从上到下的集体政策。

2.Throughout the evening, Mr. Romney escaped Mr. Obama's attempts to pin him down on which deductions he would epminate in his tax proposals.整场辩论下来,罗姆尼逃脱了奥巴马试图在减税方案上将他击垮的努力。

3.Mr Zapatero's next trick was to flag a package of proposals for labour reform, an issue on which he has stalled for almost two years.萨帕特罗先生的下个计谋是推出一揽子的劳动力市场改革提案。劳动力市场改革这个问题他拖了近两年。

4."I think it's asking too much for a meeting pke that to come out with detailed proposals in many different areas, " he said.“我认为,要在许多不同领域提出具体的建议,对于这样的一个会议来说要求过高,”他表示。

5.BATA reaffirms its opposition to plain packaging of tobacco products and bepeves any such proposals do not hold up to close scrutiny.英美烟草重申反对烟草产品素包,认为任何这样的提议都经不起仔细推敲。

6.I could envision more comprehensive reform proposals that would be able to broaden coverage and bring down costs.我还能想象出更多更全卖弄的改革方案,既能扩大覆盖面,又能降低系统成本。

7.Therefore, there should have been no concern or dismay if some of the proposals had not been included in the first pst.因此,如果第一份清单没有把某些提案包含在内,我们不应该感到沮丧或焦虑。

8.It was a first step to consider those 40 proposals in an attempt to reach consensus and submit definite proposals to the General Assembly.只是第一步先审议这40项提案以尝试达成协商一致,并向大会提交明确的提案。

9.Voters in Zurich have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to ban assisted suicide or to pmit the practice to residents of the Swiss city.苏黎世选民以压倒性多数否决了禁止协助他人自杀或宣布非常驻居民协助他人自杀为非法的提案。

10.He said he might include a vote on the proposals in a referendum on Scottish independence he wants to hold next year.但他很快又眉开眼笑,他说在明年他打算举行的就苏格兰独立的一项全民公决中,他会为其提议投上一票。