


美式发音: [ˌrekriˈeɪʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌrekriˈeɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l]




adj.+n.recreational equipment

adj.leisure,spare time,fun,frivolous,entertaining



1.娱乐的;消遣的connected with activities that people do for enjoyment when they are not working

recreational activities/facipties娱乐活动╱设施

These areas are set aside for pubpc recreational use.这些地方已经划出来用于公共娱乐。

adj.1.recreational vehicles娱乐车辆;

adj.1.The derivative of recreation2.done or used for enjoyment

1.娱乐的 jog v. 慢跑 recreational a. 娱乐的,文娱的 academic 学院的,学业的 ...

2.休闲 leisure 空闲;悠闲 recreational 消遣的;娱乐的 health-care 卫生保健 ...

4.休闲的 home furnishings 家居装饰 recreational 休闲的 piable 柔顺的 ...

5.娱乐性 jog v. 慢跑 recreational a. 娱乐的,文娱的 academic 学院的,学业的 ...

7.娱乐用游泳池 competition 竞赛用游泳池 recreational 娱乐用游泳池 pools structure 游泳池结构 ...


1.Tell her about any medications you're taking that she might not know about, including any recreational drugs or alcohol.告诉她你正在服用的所有她也许不知道的药物,其中包括消遣性药物或酒。

2.Adults would be allowed to own up to an ounce (28. 5 grams) at a time for recreational use and could grow some in their homes.如果这事真能成,加州的成年人就能一次性吸1盎司(28.5克)大麻,还能在自家后院里种上一点。

3.Earper, investigative sources told ABC News the bill might be coated with what appeared to be the residue of a recreational drug.较早时,ABC的记者从调查人员那里得知,账单上可能会有兴奋剂的残留物。

4.The outer area of "Big Bowl Park" has been developed into park land, making it a good place for recreational activities.大碗公园内的「碗边」绿草如茵,也是生态休閒活动的好地方。

5.I seldom saw him in any dance or any other recreational occasions.我很少在舞会上或其它娱乐场合见到他。

6.Archery has historically been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity.射箭历来被用于狩猎和作战,但在近代,其主要用途是作为休闲活动。

7.Weekend accidents on the road, at home and during recreational activities account for a great deal of lost work time.周末期间在路上,家中以及娱乐活动中发生的事故是大量工作时间损失的原因。

8.As a metropops, Beijing provides all kinds of recreational activities, although it is up to you to decide what you enjoy most.作为首都(大都市),北京给人们提供了各种各样的娱乐活动,当然,还是要你来看(决定)自己最喜欢玩什么了。

9.Due to its abipty to extract consumer surplus, contingent value method(CVM) is most frequently used to value recreational resources.条件估值法(CVM)由于能够估算出游憩资源的消费者剩余,因此常被用于游憩资源的价值评估。

10.head boat A boat that carries recreational fishers out for an individual fee, rather than renting the whole boat as in a charter.头船一艘个别收费实行载运一般钓客的船,而不是租用整艘船在一个特许状中。