


美式发音: [ræɡ] 英式发音: [ræɡ]




过去式:ragged  第三人称单数:rags  现在分词:ragging  同义词


v.tease,taunt,make fun of,rib,call names



1.[c][u]抹布;破布a piece of old, often torn, cloth used especially for cleaning things

2.[c](informal)质量低劣的报纸;小报a newspaper that you believe to be of low quality

the local rag地方小报

3.[c]雷格泰姆乐曲a piece of ragtime music

4.[u][c](学生每年组织的)慈善募捐活动an event or a series of events organized by students each year to raise money for charity

rag week学生募捐周


The children were dressed in rags.孩子们穿着破衣烂衫。

in rags衣衫褴褛;穿得破旧wearing very old torn clothes

The children were dressed in rags.孩子们穿着破衣烂衫。

a rags-to-riches story穷人发迹史

Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches.她的经历是从赤贫到富有的一个典型例子。

(from) rags to riches从赤贫到巨富from being extremely poor to being very rich

a rags-to-riches story穷人发迹史

Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches.她的经历是从赤贫到富有的一个典型例子。

lose your rag(informal)发怒;生气to get angryv.

1.~ sb (about sth)嘲笑;捉弄to laugh at and/or play tricks on sb



n.1.<spoken>Same as ragtime2.a piece of old cloth used for cleaning or wiping something3.clothes that are old, torn, and dirty4.a newspaper that is not very good5.a piece of ragtime music1.<spoken>Same as ragtime2.a piece of old cloth used for cleaning or wiping something3.clothes that are old, torn, and dirty4.a newspaper that is not very good5.a piece of ragtime music

1.抹布 vaccum cleaner 吸尘器 rag 抹布 garbage container 灰箕 ...

2.破布 radium n. 镭 rag n. 破布,抹布 rail n. 铁路 ...

3.碎布 quiver v. 颤抖 rag n. 破布, 碎布 renew v. 重新开始 ...

4.破烂衣服 ●dilapidated adj. 陈旧破烂的,倒塌的 ●rag n. 破烂衣服 ●motionless adj. 不动的 ...

5.毛刺 radon 氡 rag 毛刺 ragged roll 刻痕轧辊 ...

6.鲁尔 383 Otto Versand 奥托邮购 德国 邮购 385 RAG 鲁尔 德国 采矿原油 386 Vinci 的 法国 的 ...

7.区域邻接图(Region Adjacency Graph)虑了 面积和色彩计算区域间的相似性,构造了区域间的RAG (region adjacency graph) 和 NNG(nearest neighbor graph),用于 …

8.戏弄 remonstrate:v. 抗议 3。 rag:vt. 揶揄, 戏弄, 欺负 4。 auspicious:n. 吉兆的, 幸运的 5。 ...


1.For, of course, what he had said about the rag or the candlesticks would be so much puff: he knew brass from onions, all right.因为,当然,他说的那些关于破烂或者烛台的事情都是唬人的。

2.Fannie secured the grip on her mother's hand and clutched her rag doll tightly.范妮握紧妈妈的手,同时也紧紧抓住她的布娃娃。

3.Seven minutes after she was first hit by the van, a 57-year-old rag collector noticed the girl and moved her to the curb.距离悦悦第一次被撞七分钟后,一个拾捡垃圾的57岁阿婆发现了小女孩并把她抱到路边。

4.Even the slightest negligence on the part of any of the boss' staff is like a red rag to a bull.那老板的下属哪怕是有一点点小的失责都会使他大发雷霆。

5.Vantage turns out to be no match for the chloroform soaked rag, and is certainly put into more than a few disadvantages!优势,原来是不适合用氯仿浸泡抹布,肯定投入超过几个缺点!

6.Maggie was curled into a little heap, with her thumb in her mouth and her rag-decorated hair all around her.麦琪弯得象只小虾,大拇指含在嘴巴里,满头披散着她那用破布条装饰起来的头发。

7.As I said this I made a motion as if I were wringing the water out of a rag.我说这话时,做了一个将抹布的水拧出的动作。

8.Finn picked up the intruder as if he were a rag doll, carting him to the other side of his enclosure which only opened last month.芬抱起这个入侵者就象捡起一只布娃娃,夹持着他走向它的围栏的另一端,这个围栏上个月刚刚启用。

9.I'll have to hunt out the children's old clothes to give to the rag and hone man when he calls.我得找出孩子们的旧衣服,等收破烂的人来时好给他。

10.It's easy to rag on people trying to make the world a better place, even if they expend no more energy than it takes to point and click.以创造美好世界为目的来捉弄人们十分简单,即使他们的花费甚至不比鼠标点击的耗能更多。