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英文单词:放射状角膜切开术(Radial keratotomy);放射状角膜切开手术;角膜放射状切开术


abbr.1.religious knowledge

1.放射状角膜切开术(Radial keratotomy)而放射状角膜切开术RK)在术后3mo内皮细胞损失为5%~10%,对于在手术中有角膜穿孔的病例,术后内皮细胞损失率可能 …

2.放射状角膜切开手术俄罗斯放射状角膜切开手术RK)的简介沈爱祥 【摘要】:俄罗斯放射状角膜切开手术(RK)的简介──无锡市郊区人民医 …

3.角膜放射状切开术  近视手术主要分为角膜放射状切开术(RK)、角膜基质内环植入术(CK)、准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)、准分子激光角膜原 …

4.钻石刀切开术   钻石刀切开术RK):1943年由日本TutomuSato医生首创,1960年经前苏联医学专家Fyodorovv改良推广。其原理是在角膜 …

5.角膜放射状切开手术同年,率先开展角膜放射状切开手术RK)矫治屈光不正。 ●1996年,眼科在国内率先采用准分子激光手术(PRK、LASIK) …


1.RK: I would not have expected to be quicker here. The Hungaroring is a very demanding track, so it's quite difficult to make a debut here.罗伯特-库比卡:我没有料到会在这里更快一些,匈牙利是一条要求非常高的赛道,所以能在这里出场就已经相当困难了。

2.The cartilage matrix enables the cartilage to have certain shape and elasticity to wo rk against the outside force.软骨基质使软骨具有一定的外形和弹性以抵抗外力作用。

3.RK: It's not an issue. For me the short break was enough to recharge my batteries. I also like being in the car for testing.库:这不是什么问题,对我来说,短暂的休息足够养精蓄锐了,我非常喜欢参加测试赛。

4.In general, for correcting nearsightedness over 3 diopters, both LASIK and PRK are better than radial keratotomy (RK).在一般情况下,对于纠正300度以上的近视来说,LASIK和PRK手术两者均优于RK(径向角膜切开术)手术。

5.Employing variable step size RK integration method, the nonlinear differential equations with multiple backlash are solved.采用数值积分方法对多间隙多自由度非线性微分方程组进行了求解;

6.While they might not enjoy every aspect of their business, they enjoy the wo rk that they do.虽然他们可能不享受各项业务,所享受的工作,他们做的。

7.Passion, right-action, hard wo rk a nd a commitment to excellence will create the quantum leap you desire in your life today!激情、右的行动,努力工作,并承诺将创造卓越的飞跃欲望你一辈子!

8.Two years ago Dr RK Pachauri shared with Al Gore the Nobel Peace Prize for their work on climate change.两年前,因为在气候变化领域的工作,帕乔里与阿尔•戈尔(AlGore)分享了诺贝尔和平奖。

9.Through the practicing wo rk get every technology parameter such as temperature pressure and time for the hot press.研究了影响二次贴面的生产工艺,通过实践制定热压温度、压力、时间等各项工艺参数。

10.The results show that RK method has better applicability in China Stock Markets with better predictive validity compared with RV method.研究结果表明:RK方法在中国市场条件下具有较好的适用性,相对于RV有更好的预测效果。