


网络释义:反复呼吸道感染(recurrent respiratory infection);反向路由注入(Reverse Route Injection)


1.反复呼吸道感染(recurrent respiratory infection)反复呼吸道感染(RRI)是小儿常见病,发病率达20%左右,以2~6 岁最常见。患有RRI 的小儿简称复感儿,在1 年内有7~10 次 …

2.反向路由注入(Reverse Route Injection)反向路由注入简称RRIReverse Route Injection),是一种自动添加到达IPsec VPN私网或IPsec隧道网关静态路由的机制,可 …


1.A reference basis can be provided for humanistic treatment of RRI .为更人性化治疗反复呼吸道感染提供参考依据。

2.Methods: We have tested the levels of copper, iron, zinc and calcium of hair and peripheral-blood T cell subpopulation in 80 RRI patients.方法:检测80例RRI患儿头发铜、铁、锌、钙水平,以及外周血T细胞亚群,同时选择50例健康儿童作对照。

3.The causes of RRI are comppcated which are composed by many factors.其病因复杂,往往是多种因素的共同作用引起的。

4.i have also studied the method of rri - samppng , fu ' s algorithm of full cycle and the algorithm of root - mean - square.对三采样法、全周波傅氏算法和均方根值算法进行了研究。

5.There are 4 therapeutic principles of RRI children: activating spleen, promoting lung and resolving phlegm during the acute phase;在临床上归纳出以下四个治疗原则:急则治标,运脾开肺化痰;