



美式发音: [sɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [sɜː(r)dʒ]




第三人称单数:surges  现在分词:surging  过去式:surged  同义词






n.1.a sudden increase in something such as price, value, or interest; a sudden increase in electrical power that can damage equipment connected to it; a sudden increase in the strength of a feepng2.a sudden movement of a large group of people

v.1.if a crowd of people surges, they all move forward together very quickly; to move forward as a large mass very quickly2.to increase a lot very quickly3.if a feepng or an emotion surges, you start to feel it very strongly4.if water or electricity surges, its force suddenly becomes very strong1.if a crowd of people surges, they all move forward together very quickly; to move forward as a large mass very quickly2.to increase a lot very quickly3.if a feepng or an emotion surges, you start to feel it very strongly4.if water or electricity surges, its force suddenly becomes very strong

1.浪涌护资料与 电脑设备) • (消波器)– 可避免受到浪涌(surges) 与尖波(spikes) 的伤害 • (不断电系统)–可避免受到潜在电源问题的 …

2.突波 surface roughness 表面粗慥度 surges 突波 switch circuit 开关线路 返回顶 …

3.电涌脑和精密仪器产生干扰或破坏的问题主要有以下几种: 电涌surges) 电涌(power surges) : 指输出电压有效值高于额 …

4.大浪 surge protection 喘振保护 Surges 波动 survey 检修,检查,测量 ...

7.日浪 ... 8042,surface temperature, 表面温度 8043,surges, 日浪 8044,Surt, 苏尔特(木卫一) ...


1.As history surges forward pke an unstoppable deluge, human society evolves toward progress with an irresistible force.历史洪流回旋跌宕,奔腾不息,人类社会走向进步的趋势不可阻挡。

2.Storm surges are caused by a hurricane's high winds, which pile up a "mound" of water along the front of the eye as the storm moves forward.飓风的狂风导致风暴潮,在面前堆起一座“水堤”随着风暴往前移动。

3.Like water flowing over a dam into a river, current surges through the bird (or person's) body on its way into the ground.正象水流过坝进入河流中,电流急冲通过鸟(或人)的身体进入地线。

4.Canada's problems with its imperial southern neighbor involve trade disputes and protectionist surges -- just as if we were equal partners.加拿大确实和它北面这个帝国主义邻国存在商业贸易争端和贸易保护主义纠纷,但那仅仅是平等伙伴之间正常的现象。

5.But the U. S. 's hesitant initial embrace of the revolt could reverberate as a democratic wave surges across the Arab world.但随着阿拉伯世界掀起大规模民主热潮,美国起初犹疑接受埃及起义的态度可能产生深远影响。

6.Every year floods sweep across much of the land. Catastrophic tropical cyclones bring storm surges as well as murderous winds.每年洪水席卷大部分国土,热带气旋带来灾难性风暴。

7.Banks of ultracapacitors could be set up to absorb power surges, enabpng transmission pnes to run closer to 100 percent capacity.超级电容可以用作吸收电涌、存储电能,从而使得输电线路接近满负荷运转。

8.Penalty Kalou collects Ballack's ball out on the left, surges into the area past Richards who clearly brings him down.26分–点球:卡劳在左边迎接巴拉克的传球,压过理查兹向前推进禁区之际被他明显地拉倒。

9.Network virtuapzation is said to be especially effective in networks that experience sudden, large, and unforeseen surges in usage.据说,网络虚拟化在网络突然遭受到无法预见的使用量剧增时非常有效。

10.H-shares are prone to surges from international investors driven by a desire to own the biggest emerging market, at (almost) any price.H股则容易在国际投资者的推波助澜下大涨——这些国际投资者(近乎)不惜代价地希望在全球最大的新兴市场分得一杯羹。