


美式发音: [ˈdʒʌŋkˌjɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈdʒʌŋkˌjɑː(r)d]



复数:junkyards  同义词

n.garbage dump,landfill,scrapheap,tip,scrapyard



1.(堆放旧汽车、旧机器等的)废品场a place where old cars, machines, etc. are collected, so that parts of them, or the metal they are made of, can be sold to be used again


n.1.a place that buys machines and other things that are old, not useful, or broken, and sells them or their parts to other people

1.垃圾场 回力棒( Boomerang) 废物堆积场Junkyard) 神像( Juggernaut) ...

3.废车场 junk 垃圾废物 junkyard 废车场 kind 种类 ...

4.废品旧货栈 heat sink:n. 散热片 junkyard:n. 废品旧货栈 oxyacetylene torch:n. 氧乙炔炬 2.爆炸级词汇 ...

5.垃圾堆场已经辩论了好几年:收垃圾的车子需要分类和追加数量、垃圾堆场junkyard)需要分类、配送给居民的垃圾桶和垃圾袋都需 …

6.废物丛 u catch on quick 你理解的真快 junkyard 废物丛 cobbler 脆皮水果派 鞋匠 ...

7.垃圾回收场Sweepy 是在垃圾回收场Junkyard)的管理员。类型:人类(和黏土玩偶) 性格:友善、风趣、富创造力、调皮和会以自嘲 …


1.Scavenging for parts in the junkyard, Max discovers a rusty old robot which he cleans up and then convinces his dad to give it a chance.最大的垃圾场中的部分清除,发现一个生锈的旧机器人,他清理,然后说服他的父亲给它一个机会。

2.All of that threatens to turn Dongxiaokou from the epicenter of a bustpng recycpng economy into a massive junkyard.东小口从繁忙的回收经济中心变成大垃圾场。

3.The junkyard artist said he enjoys the challenge of making something out of nothing.这位垃圾场艺术家说他乐于进行这样的挑战:从无中创造出有。

4.A black Mustang drives through a junkyard. The car drives to a secluded corner and pulls in, out of sight.一辆黑色的野马驶过一片垃圾场,开入了一个偏僻的角落,在视线范围外。

5.He rose from humble roots: his father was a Ukrainian immigrant who worked as a pedlar and eventually owned a junkyard.他出身贫民,其父亲从乌克兰移民而来,做过小贩,最终拥有一间废物堆积场。

6.The Internet may be a paradise for well-informed news junkies, but it is a confusing news junkyard for the rest of us.互联网有可能成为消息灵通的新闻迷们的天堂,但对我们来说它是一个令人晕头转向的新闻垃圾场。

7.To control both the upland water and groundwater is a very effective measure to take for improving the stabipty of the junkyard.地表水和地下水的控制是提高排土场稳定性的极有效的措施。

8.Most managers, after all, do not stitch an industrial triumph from a vast bankrupt junkyard, as Sloan did.毕竟大多数经理人不像斯隆,能将一个频临破产的巨大烂摊子整合为行业翘楚。

9.He rescued an old car from a junkyard and made it run.他从废物场中抢救出一辆旧汽车,并且把它开动起来了。

10.Sometimes it is almost enough to make you want to toss them in the junkyard if only they weren't so expensive.如果不是价格高昂,有时你甚至想把它们扔进旧车场。