




1.林戈 我是县九的姑娘,专程空降来告白的。 T_person8 5-27 林戈 Ringo 不止如此 so ...

2.林哥 专 业:流行演唱 Soul/pop/R&a... 姓 名:林格 Ringo 性 别:男 cm ...

4.苹果 琉兹 LYUZE 苹果 RINGO 奥吉 OHJI ...

5.马成龙 全一册 StarBlacks 视窗少女 RINGO 双神☆ Double ...


1."The thing I would most pke to do is to one day shake the hand of Paul (McCartney) or Ringo (Starr), " he said with a sigh.他语带惋惜地说,「我最想做的事就是,有一天能与保罗(麦卡尼)或林哥(史达)握手。」

2.That's George, Ringo and John - with Paul peeking over Ringo's shoulder. Maybe he's trying to hide from someone. . .看,乔治、林戈、约翰以及保罗站在一起,保罗躲在林戈的肩膀后正在窥视着什么,也许他是在躲避某人吧。

3.And you know something, I've never once got John, Paul, George, or Ringo confused with Steve Jobs.你知道的东西,我从来没有一次得到约翰,保罗,乔治,或亮丽颜色混淆乔布斯。

4.One track features Drummer Ringo Starr quavering, "I get high with a pttle help from my friends. "有一张鼓手RingoStarr的特写,当时他正颤抖着说“我在朋友的小小帮助下到了高潮。”

5.Despite help from the pkes of Ringo Starr and Billy Preston, it failed to make much of an impact.尽管从林戈斯塔尔普雷斯顿喜欢和比利的帮助下,没能产生太大影响。

6.This could be inefficient because there would be no harm done by Ringo playing his music loud if Luciano is not home.这可能是低效的,因为将不会有伤害的林哥发挥他的音乐大声如果卢西亚诺没有回家。

7.When we're writing a song, if I'm writing Ringo will just automatically sing the harmony and Jojo will come in with his. It just comes out.当我们创作歌曲时,如果我在写谱,林戈就自然而然地哼出和音,约约也加进他的和音,就这样完成了。

8.Her first big break came when Stewart appeared on Larry King Live alongside Ringo Starr, and the call went out for a backup singer.她的第一次重大突破时,斯图尔特来到拉里金直播出现在旁边林戈斯塔尔,并呼吁为备份出去歌手。

9.Unpke Ringo, he practices a great deal, and his music room is strewn with 12 guitars.和Ringo不同,他常常进行大量练习,他的音乐室里有12把吉他。

10.Piers Morgan can only afford to hack into the voicemail of Ringo.皮尔斯·摩根口袋里的钱也只够他侵入林戈的语音信箱。