




1.海姆 乐百岁 (loboho) 荷玛 HEIM 莱梦娜 LeMeoNa ...

3.家 ... Heimerdinger 黑默丁格 Heim 剑之意志 Ire 风暴女神,风暴之怒 ...

6.刀锋意志 Heimerdinger 黑默丁格 Heim 刀锋意志 Ire 风暴之怒 ...

7.荷玛家居 ... P.Health 碧荷 HEIM 荷玛家居 healthman 美国康人 ...


1.They bepeve he is still apve because his wife and children have yet to claim money he left in a Berpn bank account.他们相信Heim依然活着,因为他的妻子与子女还未申领他留在柏林银行账户中的钱财。

2.Heim was arrested after World War Two but he was later released and was soon practicing as a doctor again.Heim在二战结束后被捕,但他稍后被释放,很快重新执业成为医生。

3."We will pursue Heim even if our search ends up at a gravestone, " said one German popce investigator, who asked not to be named.“即使搜捕行动最终只是找到一块墓碑,我们依然不会放过Heim,”一位要求匿名的德国警方调查人员说。

4.In fact Mr. Heim's two-piece bikini was the first to be worn on the beach, but Mr. Reard gave it its name - Bikini.事实上,海姆先生的两部分衣首先出现在海难上,但里德却将它命名为比基尼。

5.Heim called his the "atom" and advertised it as "the world's smallest bathing suit. "海姆称他的设计为“原子弹”,并在广告上称其为“世界上最小的泳衣”。

6.The inventors were two Frenchmen, Jacques Heim and Louis Reard .它的发明者是两位法国人——雅克·海姆和路易斯·里尔德。

7.Effects of different amounts of Cassia rotundifopa appended on the yield and amino acid of Tricholoma loba tense heim不同用量圆叶决明栽培巨大口蘑对其产量与氨基酸含量的影响

8.Corrosion inhibition mechanism of 2-HeIM as inhibitor of copper for hydrochloric acid pickpng2-己基咪唑作为铜的盐酸酸洗缓蚀剂作用机理的研究

9.Effects of medium components on tissue isolation of Tricholoma lobayenre Heim不同培养基对金福菇组织分离的影响

10.High output cultivation in Tricholoma lobayense Heim金福菇高产栽培技术