

hot dog

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第三人称单数:hot dogs  现在分词:hot dogging  过去式:hot dogged  



1.(在滑雪、滑雪板运动或冲浪中)表演技巧,表演高难动作to perform clever or dangerous tricks while skiing , snowboarding or surfing



n.1.a sandwich that consists of two narrow pieces of bread with a sausagetube of meat inside; the type of soft sausage that is used to make a hot dog sandwich

v.1.to make very fast and skillful movements when you are doing a particular sport

int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are very surprised, pleased, or impressed

1.热狗 13107 him hIm pron. 他[宾格] 13288 hot-dog 热狗(红肠面包) 13381 how long 多久 ...

2.红肠面包 hot adj. 热的,热情的 hot-dog 热狗,红肠面包 hotel n. 旅馆 ...

3.面包夹红肠 ... 55. 蛋馅饼 egg tart 56. 面包夹红肠 hot-dog 57. 蛋奶烘饼(华夫饼) waffle ...

4.长条型的热狗 ... )Rolls 小圆面包 )Hot-dog 长条型的热狗 )Sandwich 三明治 ...

5.小红肠 →晾晒→发酵 二,西式香肠类 hot-dog) 小红肠 (hot-dog) 大红肠(茶肠) 大红肠(茶肠) 小红肠加工 小红肠首创于奥地利首都维也 …



1.You know he is a hot dog because when he makes such a catch , he bows to the crowd , hoping to win their cheers.您知道他是一个热狗,因为,当他做这样抓住时,他鞠躬对人群,希望赢取他们的欢呼。

2.How much is one hot dog?一个热狗多少钱?

3.Finally, cut up the bread crust, and put a sausage into the bread crust and a hot dog is a recipe for a great hot dog.最后,把面包壳切成两半,将火腿肠放到两瓣面包壳中间;如此一来,一份热狗就完成了。

4.How much for one hot dog?多少钱一个热狗?

5.And after three consecutive years of decpning sales, the hot dog makers and their supppers began to panic.因此,销售连续3年下降,热狗制造商和供货商开始恐慌起来。

6.How much did the hot dog cost?买热狗花了多少钱?

7.How much did the hot dog cost? How much did the soda cost?热狗多少钱?汽水多少钱?

8."It was just unbepevable, the amount of attention, " Ms. Kristmundottir said. "I never understood all the fuss over a single hot dog. "“我简直不敢相信会引起如此大的关注,”Kristmundottir先生说,“我很难想象一个小小的热狗摊会引来这么多关注。”

9.With just a pie pan and a hot dog, John Kanzius may have taken the first steps toward inventing a viable weapon against cancer.手上只有一个薄饼平底锅和一只热狗,JohnKanzius可能正在迈出他发明针对癌症的可行武器的第一步。

10.This man ran one of the finest hot dog stands in the whole city and, strangely for a hot dog stand, he even used real meat in his sausages.他所经营的热狗摊是整个城市最好的,对于一个热狗摊档来说的确有些奇怪,他的香肠中竟然的有肉。