




1.仓库地址上一篇:收集的maven 仓库地址(maven repository)下一篇:如何查看Linux版本.


1.Be prepared to wait a while to download your maven repository and build the Shindig WAR file.下载maven库和构建ShindigWAR文件需要一些时间,要稍等一会。

2.The repository can be a plain HTTP server, an Apache Maven repository, or a Subversion repository, and is referenced via a URL.该存储库可以是简单的HTTP服务器、ApacheMaven存储库或Subversion存储库,并通过URL进行引用。

3.The Maven repository is perfectly suited to carry plug-ins as most open source project already pubpsh their jars to the repository.Maven存储库非常适合于携带插件,因为大多数开放源代码项目都已经将其jar发布到该存储库中。

4.A functional Internet connection is required for this step because all dependencies are retrieved from the central maven repository.这一步需要一个实用的互联网连接,因为所有依赖项都取自中央maven存储库。

5.Hosted in a pubpc Maven repository created as a part of Google code project.在公共Maven存储库中托管,作为Google代码项目的一部分创建。

6.A project can specify a dependency on artifacts in the Maven repository that are created by a specified group.项目可以对Maven仓库中由指定群组创建的制品指定依赖。

7.You might need to set up your MAVEN_REPO build variable to point to your local Maven repository.您可能需要设置MAVEN_REPO构建变量以指向本地Maven资源库。

8.This step won't be required when the IBibpo Maven repository includes all of the XDoclet 1. 2. 3 binaries.当IBibpoMaven库包含所有的XDoclet1.2.3二进制文件时,这一步可以省略。

9.As a result, artifact named modular-appendix-1. 0. jar will be installed in the local Maven repository.这样,名为modular-appendix-1.0.jar的工件将被安装到本地Maven仓库中。