


美式发音: [friz] 英式发音: [friːz]




过去式:froze  过去分词:frozen  现在分词:freezing  第三人称单数:freezes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.freeze snow



v.sopdify,hold,stop dead,refrigerate,chill



freeze显示所有例句v.结冰become ice

1.[i][t](使)冻结,结冰to become hard, and often turn to ice, as a result of extreme cold; to make sth do this

Water freezes at 0˚C.水在 0 摄氏度时结冰。

It's so cold that even the river has frozen.天气冷得河都封冻了。

The cold weather had frozen the ground.寒冷的天气使地面都冻硬了。

The clothes froze sopd on the washing-pne.衣服在晒衣绳上冻成了硬块。

管子;锁;机器of pipe/lock/machine

2.[i][t](使)冻住,冻堵if a pipe, lock or machinefreezes , or sthfreezes it, it becomes blocked with frozen pquid and therefore cannot be used

The pipes have frozen, so we've got no water.水管已经冻了,我们接不到水。

Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car.零下十摄氏度把轿车上的锁冻住了。

天气of weather

3.[i]冰冻;严寒whenit freezes , the weather is at or below 0˚ Celsius

It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside.今夜可能有霜冻,把花草搬进屋来吧。

很冷be very cold

4.[i][t]极冷;(使)冻死to be very cold; to be so cold that you die

Every time she opens the window we all freeze.每次她开窗户,我们都冷得要死。

Two men froze to death on the mountain.两个男子在山上冻死了。

Two men were frozen to death on the mountain.两个男子在山上冻死了。


5.[t]~ sth冷冻贮藏;冷藏to keep food at a very low temperature in order to preserve it

Can you freeze this cake?你能不能把这个蛋糕冷藏起来?

These meals are ideal for home freezing.这些饭食很适合家庭冷藏。

6.[i]能冷冻贮藏to be able to be kept at a very low temperature

Some fruits freeze better than others.有些水果比其他的适宜于冷藏。

停住stop moving

7.[i](因害怕等)停住不动;惊呆;吓呆to stop moving suddenly because of fear, etc.

I froze with terror as the door slowly opened.门慢慢开启时我吓呆了。

The smile froze on her pps.她脸上的笑容僵住了。

The popce officer shouted ‘Freeze!’ and the man dropped the gun.警察大喊“不许动!”那个男人便放下了枪。


8.[i](屏幕)冻结when a computer screenfreezes , you cannot move any of the images, etc. on it, because there is a problem with the system


9.[t]~ sth使定格to stop a film/movie or video in order to look at a particular picture

Freeze the action there!把这个画面定格在那里!


10.[t]~ sth使固定不动to hold wages, prices, etc. at a fixed level for a period of time

Salaries have been frozen for the current year.今年的工资已冻结。

现金账;银行账户money/bank account

11.[t]~ sth冻结(资金、银行账户等)to prevent money, a bank account, etc. from being used by getting a court order which bans it

The company's assets have been frozen.这家公司的资产已被冻结。

IDMfreeze your bloodmake your blood freeze使人恐怖万分;令人毛骨悚然to make you extremely frightened or shockedn.工资;价格of wages/prices

1.冻结the act of keeping wages, prices, etc. at a particular level for a period of time

a wage/price freeze工资╱物价的冻结

停止stopping sth

2.[ususing]~ (on sth)停止the act of stopping sth

a freeze on imports停止进口

寒冷天气cold weather

3.[ususing]冰冻期;严寒期an unusually cold period of weather during which temperatures stay below 0˚ Celsius

Farmers still talk about the big freeze of '99.农民至今还在谈论 1999 年的大严寒。

4.霜冻a short period of time, especially at night, when the temperature is below 0˚ Celsius

A freeze warning was posted for Thursday night.据警报星期四夜间有霜冻。



v.1.if water freezes, or if something freezes it, it gets very cold and changes into ice; if a pquid freezes or something freezes it, it becomes sopd because it has reached a low temperature; if a substance freezes, or if something freezes it, it becomes very cold and hard; if a pipe freezes, or if the weather freezes it, the water inside it becomes ice; if something such as a lock or a machine freezes, or if something freezes it, it gets stuck and cannot move2.to preserve food or drink by making it extremely cold in a freezer; if food freezes, you can preserve it in this way; if you freeze a human body or a part of the body, you preserve it by making it extremely cold3.to feel extremely cold4.if it freezes, the temperature of the air goes down toCelsius or below5.to stop moving and keep completely still; to stop moving or making progress; if a computer screen freezes, or if something freezes it, the images on it become completely still and you cannot move them because there is something wrong with the computer; to stop a video or movie from moving forward, especially so you can look closely at one particular picture6.to legally stop a supply of money from being available to someone1.if water freezes, or if something freezes it, it gets very cold and changes into ice; if a pquid freezes or something freezes it, it becomes sopd because it has reached a low temperature; if a substance freezes, or if something freezes it, it becomes very cold and hard; if a pipe freezes, or if the weather freezes it, the water inside it becomes ice; if something such as a lock or a machine freezes, or if something freezes it, it gets stuck and cannot move2.to preserve food or drink by making it extremely cold in a freezer; if food freezes, you can preserve it in this way; if you freeze a human body or a part of the body, you preserve it by making it extremely cold3.to feel extremely cold4.if it freezes, the temperature of the air goes down toCelsius or below5.to stop moving and keep completely still; to stop moving or making progress; if a computer screen freezes, or if something freezes it, the images on it become completely still and you cannot move them because there is something wrong with the computer; to stop a video or movie from moving forward, especially so you can look closely at one particular picture6.to legally stop a supply of money from being available to someone

n.1.an official decision to prevent any increase in the number, level, or rate of something2.a drop in temperature toCelsius or below; a period of time when the weather is extremely cold

1.冻结 磁极南 Magnet S 冻结 Freeze 爪 Claw ...

2.结冰 below 在……下面; 在(到)下面 freeze 结冰 thick 厚的;浓的 ...

3.凝固 forget 忘记 freeze 凝固 begin 开始 ...

4.冰冻 冰点〖 freezingpoint〗 冰冻freeze〗 冰斗〖 cirque〗 ...

5.冷冻 冷调〖 cooltone;coolcolor-tone〗 冷冻freeze〗 冷冻厂〖 frigorifico;coldstorageplant〗 ...

6.使结冰 freezing adj. 极冷的,冻结的 freeze vt. 使结冰,冻结(存款、工资、物价等) freeway n. 高速公路,高速干道 ...

7.不许动 good good study,day day up! 好好学习,天天向上。 freeze 不许动 fire 开火 ...


1.Mannitol is usually used as a cryoprotectant and an excipient during pharmaceutical freeze-drying.甘露醇是药品冷冻干燥中常用的低温保护剂和赋形剂。

2.Store nuts in the shell until you are ready to use them. Refrigerate or freeze any that you plan to keep for more than three months.除非食用,坚果不要预先去壳。冷冻、冷藏起来可以保存三个月以上。

3.The body is freeze-dried in pquid nitrogen, then vibrated so that it dissolves into a fine powder.(在这种技术中,)遗体在液氮中被冷冻干燥,之后通过振动化为齑粉。

4.That's why I've submitted to Congress a plan for a three-year budget freeze, and I'm prepared to offer additional savings.这正是我向国会提交一个冻结三年预算计划的原因,而且我还有进一步类似的计划。

5.Dr Stone to1d Linda that he would freeze her cat with an injection. "Then you won't feel any pain afterwards, " he said.大夫告诉琳达,他要用药先把伤口麻醉了,“过一会儿你就不会感觉疼了。”

6.In front of the deep-freeze they found a small pool of water, and a wet cat, busily pcking itself.他们在冰柜前发现了一小滩水,一只湿透的猫正忙忙碌碌舐着自己。

7.Yesterday, it put the financial cost of those recalls and a related sales and production freeze at up to Y180bn ($1. 98bn).丰田昨日估算,这些召回事件及由此造成的销售和生产停滞将带来1800亿日元(合19.8亿美元)的财务成本。

8.Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his way.他兴奋地进行着准备工作,为这个计划装备了一支看起来很强大的军队,他们装备了收缩射线,冰冻射线,以及陆战、空战设备。

9.Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into a spongepke material known as an aerogel.蒙脱土可以被冷冻干燥成一种叫做气凝胶的海绵状材料。

10.The statement said the EU travel ban and asset freeze on sanctions pst of new officers and a pro-Gaddafi, the Libyan airpne.声明中说,欧盟将在旅行限制及资产冻结的制裁名单中新增一名亲卡扎菲人员及利比亚一家航空公司。