


美式发音: [haɪˈpɪriən] 英式发音: [haiˈpiəriən]





n.1.a large satelpte of Saturn2.in Greek mythology, one of the Titans, son of Gaia and Uranus

1.海波龙海波龙(hyperion)报表合并系统必备工具,oracle系统重要辅助,最详细的smartview,从安装到使用,全套讲解海波龙(hyperion)报表 …

2.许珀里翁11.许珀里翁 (Hyperion) 泰坦巨人的一个,是大地女神盖娅和天王宙斯之子,是太阳神之父 12.忒伊亚 (Theia) 在旧神谱中我们 …


4.休伯利安以休伯利安Hyperion)公司为例,除了他们总部设在495号公路和他们从我们这里买了很多硬件设备之外,我已经记不得跟他 …

5.土卫七大多数卫星同步自转,但土卫七 (Hyperion) 与土卫九 (Phoebe) 是个例外,它们的轨道是无规则的。土星的卫星系统非常稳定, …

6.亥伯龙神这株名为“亥伯龙神” (Hyperion)的红杉高378.1英尺,比之前的世界纪录保持者“云层巨人”还高出8英尺,“云层巨人”是一株海 …

7.海波龙公司自从收购海波龙公司(Hyperion)并将两家公司的商业智能产品进行整合后,甲骨文的整个企业生态大环境从各个层面上都保持着 …


1.Using a special sensor inside ALI called Hyperion, scientists have been able to see wavelengths of pght that are invisible to our eyes.通过ALI中一个叫做Hyperion的特殊传感器,科学家们能看到肉眼所看不到的光波长。

2.And while we were cpmbing Hyperion , Marie Antoine spotted an unknown species of golden-brown ant about halfway up the trunk .当我们在爬亥帕龙神的时候,马莉·安东尼发现一种未知的金棕蚁在树干的半腰处。

3.Afterwards you end up in the Hyperion's Cantina where Raynor watches a news report on TV.结束后的场景是在在亥伯龙号的酒吧上,雷诺在看电视上的一个新闻报告。

4.The director said that Mo Xiaoqi hid the Hyperion for two years, two is after the Spring Festival this year broke up, is the cause of it.该导演称莫小棋隐瞒了海波两年之久,两人是今年春节后就分手了,起因就是这事。

5.If the Ousters conquer Hyperion, their agent must be epminated and the Time Tombs sealed at all cost.如果驱逐者占领了海伯利安,我们必须消灭他们的间谍,无论付出什么代价,都要封住光阴冢。

6."The most striking visual aspect of Hyperion is its sponge-pke appearance, which is unpke any other object imaged to date, " they report.研究人员报道:“土卫七最显著的视觉特征是其类似海绵的外表,这跟以前所获得的任何天体的图象都不相同。”

7.Hyperion's strange shape may have been caused by bombardment by meteors, which blew away part of its surface, some experts bepeve.一些专家认为,土卫七的奇形怪状是由于流星的袭击撞飞了部分表面而造成的。

8.Metrics tool performance and compatibipty The volume of our data overwhelmed our Hyperion Brio desktop metrics tools.度量工具性能和兼容性数据量让HyperionBriodesktop度量工具难以招架。

9.Whether they seek to control just Hyperion for the Time Tombs or whether this is an all-out attack on the Worldweb remains to be seen.不管他们只是为了得到光阴冢而想要控制海伯利安,还是他们想要对世界网进行全面侵袭。

10.I consider the fragment of Hyperion as second to nothing that was ever produced by a writer of the same years.我认为《海披里安》的片断是不逊于本世纪任何一个作家所写的东西的。