


美式发音: [kəmˈpɑrtmənt] 英式发音: [kəmˈpɑː(r)tmənt]



复数:compartments  同义词




1.(铁路客车车厢分隔成的)隔间one of the separate sections which a coach/car on a train is divided into

2.(家具或设备等的)分隔间,隔层one of the separate sections that sth such as a piece of furniture or equipment has for keeping things in

The desk has a secret compartment.这书桌有一个秘密暗格。

There is a handy storage compartment beneath the oven.在烤箱的下面有一个便利的橱柜。


n.1.one of the separate parts of a container or place where things are stored2.one of the separate spaces into which a railroad passenger car or airplane is divided

1.隔间 Co - Construction 共站共构 Compartment 隔间 Emergency Shower 消防洒水口 ...

2.车厢 银行 bank 车厢 compartment 关税 custom ...

3.间隔 comparison 比拟 compartment 间隔 compass 罗盘;周围 ...

4.隔室 药代动力学: pharmacokinetics 隔室compartment 分布: distribution ...

5.分隔间 company voter 团体投票人 compartment 分隔间 compendium 民意汇集文件 ...

6.舱 compact a. 紧凑的;密集的 compartment,舱 component 元(组,部,零)件 ...

7.列车车厢的分隔间 company n.. 公司 compartment n. 列车车厢的分隔间 conductor n. (公共汽车等)售票员 ...


1.He used his special identity of FBI to ask one trainman to leave one compartment for them.他利用自己是联邦特工的特殊身份,让一名列车员给他们腾出来一间车厢。

2.Never had it occurred to me to put the goods in any other compartment.我也从没想过要把它放到其他的地方去。

3.In Berpn, a train slowly leaving Berpn, the compartment in the net are women and children, almost do not see a strong man.在柏林一列火车缓慢地驶出柏林,车厢里净是妇女和孩子,几乎看不到一个健壮的男子。

4.The Sapsbury steak in its rectangular compartment is completely tasteless; I chew it as if it were a piece of gum.在长方形的盒里放着的汉堡牛排一点味道都没有了。我咀嚼着就像咀嚼一块口香糖似的。

5.The compartment seems to be the only one of her sober, Shaanxi narrow corridors to and fro a.车厢内似乎只有她一人清醒的,陕窄的走道内来回晃荡着。

6.In one compartment, the grey hair of a sitting wartime reserve veterans, sitting beside him in a frail and sick old woman.在一节车厢里,坐着一位头发灰白的战时后备役老兵,坐在他身旁的是个身体虚弱而多病的老妇人。

7.It is found in a compartment in an air duct to the throttle valve assembly under the hood of your car.它发现于一节车厢里,在一个风管节流阀阀总成,引擎盖下你的车。

8.He got up, left the compartment, and went along the corridor, picking his way over suitcases and kitbags and bodies, to the lavatory.他起身走出卧厢,沿着过道小心翼翼地跨过箱子,帆布袋,躲过横七竖八的人体,朝厕所走去。

9.The boy was probably just trying to do better business: he would get more sympathy in the women's compartment than in the mixed cars.这个孩子只是想把生意做好:毕竟在女士车厢他会比混合车厢得到更多的垂青。

10.carry--on or cabin baggage, which the passenger keeps with him in the passenger compartment of the aircraft.手提或放置于机舱的行李,亦可随身携带。行李将被放置于乘客舱。