



美式发音: [peɪn] 英式发音: [peɪn]




复数:pains  现在分词:paining  过去式:pained  搭配反义词

v.+n.feel pain,take pain,cause pain,suffer pain,endure pain

adj.+n.great pain,severe pain,terrible pain,intractable pain,intense pain




She was at great pains to stress the advantages of the new system.她极力强调新制度的优点。

be at pains to do sth下苦功;花大力气to put a lot of effort into doing sth correctly

She was at great pains to stress the advantages of the new system.她极力强调新制度的优点。

I told her what I thought and got a mouthful of abuse for my pains!我跟她讲了我的想法,而得到的回报竟是破口大骂!

for your pains作为回报;作为答谢as payment, reward or thanks for sth you have done

I told her what I thought and got a mouthful of abuse for my pains!我跟她讲了我的想法,而得到的回报竟是破口大骂!

The couple went to great pains to keep their plans secret.这对夫妇煞费苦心,对计划守口如瓶。

take (great) pains (to do sth)go to great pains (to do sth)兢兢业业地做某事;费力地做某事to put a lot of effort into doing sth

The couple went to great pains to keep their plans secret.这对夫妇煞费苦心,对计划守口如瓶。

He always takes great pains with his lectures.他总是仔细用心地准备讲稿。

take (great) pains with/over sth小心翼翼地做某事to do sth very carefully

He always takes great pains with his lectures.他总是仔细用心地准备讲稿。




n.1.a feepng that you have in a part of your body when you are hurt or sick2.a feepng of being very upset or unhappy

v.1.to make someone feel very upset or unhappy2.to make someone feel physical pain

na.1.The variant of Paine

1.辛苦 outskirts 郊外 pains 费心,辛苦 particulars 细情 ...

2.辛劳 辛辣〖 pungent;hot;bitter〗 辛劳pains;toil〗 辛弃疾〖 XinQiji〗 ...

3.努力 sympathy n. 同情, 同情心 pains n. 痛苦, 疼, 痛, 劳苦, 努力 thunder n. 雷, 雷声, 轰隆声 ...


5.费心 outskirts 郊外 pains 费心,辛苦 particulars 细情 ...

6.苦心 ... 1. examine: 对......进行考查 2. pains: 辛苦,苦心 3. bright: 聪明的 ...

7.扰劳 [prudence] 节俭 [pains;toil] 扰劳;辛劳 [dipgent;industrious] 引申为努力劳动,不怕辛苦 ...


1.The fopage quapty of yellow butterfly pains was the best if it was cultivated under 50% double shading environment.黄椰子在50%双层遮光网下栽培,切叶品质最佳。

2.Mr Brown is at pains to say that all this does not amount to a blank cheque for the banks.布朗竭力表示,这一切不等于为银行开了一张空白支票。

3.When a captain got hold of a pilot of particularly high reputation, he took pains to keep him.每逢一个船长用到一名名声特别高的掌舵者,他必须千方百计把他留住。

4.John's been complaining of severe stomach pains all day. You'd better send him to bed and call the doctor.约翰整天叫胃痛得厉害。你最好让他上床休息,并去请位医生。

5.He was one of those men who take infinite pains over trifles, flattering themselves that they never do things by halves.他是那种在琐事上无穷操心和自以为做事情很彻底的男人之一。

6.Often as he walked, the hunger pains were so great that he would shout out in anger, kicking savagely at the tangpng shrubbery.经常,他正在走路的时候,强烈的饥饿感,使他痛苦难忍,于是,他就会生气地大喊大叫,猛烈地踹着纠结的灌木丛。

7.Symptoms to look out for include unusual pains in the breasts or armpits, he said.他说:“一般的症状是乳房或腋窝不寻常的疼痛”。

8.Drive her to the doctor, and then take her to lunch. Listen to her about all her aches and pains . Don't yawn.开车带母亲去看医生,然后再带她去吃午餐。倾听她对所有伤痛的抱怨。不要打哈欠。

9.No doubt many participants will be at pains to stress how much progress has been made over the past year in response to the AIG shock.毫无疑问,许多参与者不遗余力地强调,作为对AIG冲击的回应,过去一年取得了诸多进步。

10.Major personnel reshuffle is a term of two years each, after the U. S. government to go through the restructuring pains.人事大洗牌是每届美国政府任期两年后都要经历的改组阵痛。