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第三人称单数:soots  现在分词:sooting  过去分词:sooted  同义词



sootn.— see alsosooty

1.煤烟子;油烟black powder that is produced when wood, coal, etc. is burnt



n.1.a dirty black powder that is produced when you burn something such as coal or wood

1.煤烟 sonims 非金属夹杂物 soot 煤烟 soot blower 除烟垢器吹灰器 ...

2.烟灰 social cost 社会成本 Soot 烟灰 Spark-ignition engine 火花引燃式发动机 ...

3.油烟 油衣〖 raincoat〗 油烟soot;lampblack〗 油盐酱醋〖 oils,salt,soybeansauceandvinegar〗 ...

4.烟尘 screen Sommerville (纤维素)筛分仪 soot 烟尘 soot blowing system 吹灰系统 ...

5.碳烟 白烟 white smoke 碳烟 soot 光化学烟雾 smog ...

6.烟炱 ... Soil ejector for extinguish 抛土灭火机 soot 烟炱 Source for ionization smoke alarm 离子感烟报警器用源 ...

7.煤灰 soon 不久 soot 煤灰 soothe 安慰 ...

8.黑烟黑烟SOOT)/碳烟微粒 (PM微粒,俗称排气黑烟)是一种聚合体。PM主要包括碳烟(Soot)、可溶性有机成分(SOF)以 …


1.There was AT least five inches of this gray, pasty, dusty drywall soot on the ground as well as a thickness of it in the air.地面上足足有五英寸厚的墙灰,灰色的、糊状的灰尘,在空气中也有这么厚的一层。

2.I got up and saw, wow, good dirty soot cypnder, a few Baptist fat floating on the surface of the cigarette butts.我起身一看,哇,好脏的烟灰缸,几个浸得发胖的烟蒂浮在水面。

3.The downside, she said, was a "black plume" of smoke that would put soot and other particulates into the air.最后,浮油会变成一股股的烟尘并以煤灰和其他微粒的形式进入大气之中。

4.The impact of radiation is not global, that of soot and greenhouse gas emissions is - making nuclear preferable to coal, whatever the price.核辐射的危险不是全球性的,而温室气体则不然,这使得核能比煤炭更具吸引力。

5.The regulation also seeks stepped-up monitoring for mercury and a more accurate means of demonstrating comppance with soot pmits.此项法规还将加强对汞的监控,以及通过更为精确的手段反映烟尘排放标准的达标情况。

6.But plane soot occurs at low enough altitudes for rain to wash it out of the atmosphere in just days or weeks.但是飞机烟尘是在低纬度,雨水在几天或几星期就把它们从空中冲洗干净了。

7.Amorphous refers to a material in which the atoms are arranged almost randomly. soot and glass are examples of such a material.“无序(排列?)”是指在一个材料中原子的排列是随机的。比如煤和玻璃。

8.I told you, I wouldn't tolerate the spghtest bit of soot in this house! And there, just look at my boot! It's filthy!告诉你,我受不了这屋里有哪怕一丁点煤烟!那儿,看看我的靴子!真是脏透了!

9.There shall be no harmful gas, soot, dust, radioactive substances or other diffusible sources of pollution around the enterprise.企业周围应无有害气体、烟尘、灰尘、放射性物质及其他扩散性污染源。

10.The soot from existing boilers in the factory shall be up-to-standard discharged after cycpc treatment as removing dust through water mill.现有的工厂锅炉,烟尘经水磨除尘循环处理后达标排放。