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5.闪姆 Seymour 西摩 Shem 谢姆 名望 Snow 斯诺 ...


8.挪亚的儿子名闪挪亚的儿子名闪(Shem),其后代称为闪米特人(Semite)。闪的后裔生亚伯拉罕,娶妻撒莱 (Sarah﹐或译作莎拉)。


1.In a way he felt new-bom, pke the colt Shem had brought him to see last spring, all shaky legs and curiosity.他觉得自己仿佛得到了新生,就象去年春天,Shem带他去看的那只小马,四肢颤抖,充满了好奇。

2.On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark.正当那日,挪亚和他三个儿子闪、含、雅弗,并挪亚的妻子和三个儿妇,都进入方舟。

3.Apparently when he entered the ward they thought the 29-year-old looked so fresh-faced they asked him to prove he was over the age of 16.当Shem走进病房时,这个29岁的年轻人看起来显然比实际年龄年轻很多,护士们要求他证明自己已经16岁了,否则不能见孩子。

4.I've got to know Jordan and he's shaping up to be a decent young man, ' Shem told The People.“我了解Jordan,他会是一个优秀的年轻人的。”Shem告诉大家。

5.Grandad Shem, who has a young son of his own, said he is keen to get stuck in and help Tia and Jordan settle into pfe.虽然Shem自己还有一个儿子,但是他表示他会积极帮助Tia和Jordan适应新的生活。

6.And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father.于是闪和雅弗拿件衣服搭在肩上,倒退着进去,给他父亲盖上;

7.And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.又说,耶和华闪的神,是应当称颂的,愿迦南作闪的奴仆。

8.God blessed Noah and his wife. He blessed their sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives, too.上帝保佑诺亚和他的妻子。他也保佑他们的儿子—闪、含和雅佛,及他们的妻子们。

9.Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born.雅弗的哥哥闪,就是希伯所有子孙的祖宗,他也生了孩子。

10.Then, suddenly, the Baal Shem Tov sees before him 'a flaming sword, turning this way and that, ' and decides to turn back.可是,突然,巴尔·谢姆·托夫看到他身前有“一把燃着火焰的宝剑,转动挥舞着”,于是决定掉头回去。